[Ros-release] How to run pre-release tests on a new, dry stack?

Jack O'Quin jack.oquin at gmail.com
Sun Dec 2 18:26:22 UTC 2012

I would like to release camera_info_manager_py, a new Python implementation
of the camera info manager interface for both Fuerte and Groovy. It remains
a dry stack, for now, so I can maintain the same sources for both.

But, I am having trouble following the instructions correctly.

First, I went to the Fuerte pre-release page:


Naturally, the new stack was not listed there. So, I followed the link to:


Based on that, I added stanzas for the new camera_info_manager_py to the
rosdistro repository:


Since this component has not yet been released, I copied some other
entries, setting the version to null. Maybe that was a bad guess.

That update was merged, and now camera_info_manager_py appears as a
pre-release test component for Groovy, but not Fuerte (which I had also

So, I tried to run a Groovy pre-release test on it, but the checkout
failed. Perhaps, I used the wrong "version:" setting.


The failure appear here, I think:

Creating rosinstall file for repo list
Using latest release distro file to download repositories
rosinstall file for all repositories:
 - git: {local-name: camera_info_manager_py, uri:
    version: release/camera_info_manager_py}

Install repo list from source
Executing command 'rosinstall /tmp/test_repositories/src_repository
rosinstall operating on /tmp/test_repositories/src_repository from
specifications in rosinstall files
(Over-)Writing /tmp/test_repositories/src_repository/.rosinstall
[camera_info_manager_py] Installing
git://github.com/jack-oquin/camera_info_manager_py.git (version
release/camera_info_manager_py) to
Exception caught during install: Error processing
'camera_info_manager_py' : [camera_info_manager_py] Checkout of
git://github.com/jack-oquin/camera_info_manager_py.git version
release/camera_info_manager_py into
/tmp/test_repositories/src_repository/camera_info_manager_py failed.

I could use some pointers on how to do this job properly with the new tools.
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