[Ros-release] Dry stack prereleases for groovy

Wim Meeussen wim at hidof.com
Sat Nov 24 03:53:05 UTC 2012

I tried one of the (ugly) workarounds from the comments above:

cd /usr/src/gtest
sudo cmake CMakeLists.txt
sudo make
sudo cp *.a /usr/lib

This creates a static library /usr/lib/libgtest.a, but linking fails:

Linking CXX executable ../bin/test_unique_id
  /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -l/usr/lib/libgtest.a

On Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 5:35 PM, Vincent Rabaud <vrabaud at willowgarage.com>wrote:

> Please have a look at :
> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtest/+changelog
> (especially the change for 1.6.0-1ubuntu2)
> This is a known issue on Ubuntu:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cmake/+bug/969891
> Catkin solves this problem as follows:
>  https://github.com/ros/catkin/blob/master/cmake/test/gtest.cmake
> On Fri, Nov 23, 2012 at 5:22 PM, Wim Meeussen <wim at hidof.com> wrote:
>>> The libgtest-dev package did get installed. Here is the full console
>>> output:
>>> http://build.willowgarage.com/job/prerelease_groovy_unique_identifier_precise_amd64/1/console
>> There's more going on. I added the libgtest-dev package, but the library
>> is still not found. Looking at the Ubuntu package, the library is not part
>> of libgtest-dev <
>> http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/amd64/libgtest-dev/filelist>. The
>> only Ubuntu package containing the libgtest.so is ugene <
>> http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=libgtest.so&mode=exactfilename&suite=precise&arch=any>,
>> which is not really what we're looking for.  So that leaves the question,
>> where did we get install libgtest.so from in the past?
>> Wim
>> Wim Meeussen
>> CTO, hiDOF Inc.
>> 650-529-4522
>> http://hidof.com
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Wim Meeussen
CTO, hiDOF Inc.
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