[Ros-release] Are pre-release tests supported for dry stacks on Groovy?

Jack O'Quin jack.oquin at gmail.com
Sun Oct 14 16:35:34 UTC 2012

I tried to run Groovy pre-release tests on a couple of dry stacks I
maintain. They all failed with similar messages.

My simple unique_identifier stack has an explicit dependency on "ros".
Is that no longer supported?

Trying to separate signal from noise in the console output, the
failure seems to be here somewhere:

Installing the stacks to test from source
Generating rosinstall file [stack_overlay.rosinstall]

- git: {local-name: unique_identifier, uri:
    version: master}

rosinstall file [stack_overlay.rosinstall] generated
Install the stacks to test from source.
Executing command "rosinstall -n stack_overlay /opt/ros/groovy
rosinstall operating on /tmp/install_dir/stack_overlay from
specifications in rosinstall files  /opt/ros/groovy,
(Over-)Writing /tmp/install_dir/stack_overlay/.rosinstall
[unique_identifier] Installing
https://kforge.ros.org/geographicinfo/unique_identifier (version
master) to /tmp/install_dir/stack_overlay/unique_identifier
[unique_identifier] Done.
(Over-)Writing setup.sh, setup.bash, and setup.zsh in

ERROR in rosinstall:
No 'ros' stack detected in candidates [].
Please add the location of a ros distribution to this command.

See http://ros.org/wiki/rosinstall.
Install the stacks to test from source.
Failed to execute 'rosinstall -n stack_overlay /opt/ros/groovy

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