[ros-release] WG: [ros-users] New Hydro Packages

Weißhardt, Florian Florian.Weisshardt at ipa.fraunhofer.de
Mon Apr 7 13:52:03 UTC 2014

Dear Tully,

great news. We’re curious to test the new releases packages, but they don’t seem to be available through apt-get, e.g. for libpcan
‘sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-libpcan’ fails with ‘unable to locate package ros-hydro-libpcan’ although on http://www.ros.org/debbuild/hydro?q=libpcan all seems  to be green and synced.

Any ideas?


Von: ros-users-bounces at lists.ros.org [mailto:ros-users-bounces at lists.ros.org] Im Auftrag von Tully Foote
Gesendet: Sonntag, 6. April 2014 06:01
An: User discussions
Betreff: [ros-users] New Hydro Packages

Hi Everyone,

We have released another set of updates for ROS Hydro. This is a large update with 160 new packages as well as 163 updated packages. These updates have been provided by the work of over 60 contributors.

Your ROS Release Team

Updates to hydro

Added Packages [160]:
 * ros-hydro-avt-vimba-camera: 0.0.2-0
 * ros-hydro-baxter-common: 0.7.0-0
 * ros-hydro-baxter-core-msgs: 0.7.0-0
 * ros-hydro-baxter-description: 0.7.0-0
 * ros-hydro-baxter-examples: 0.7.0-0
 * ros-hydro-baxter-interface: 0.7.0-0
 * ros-hydro-baxter-maintenance-msgs: 0.7.0-0
 * ros-hydro-baxter-sdk: 0.7.0-0
 * ros-hydro-baxter-tools: 0.7.0-0
 * ros-hydro-care-o-bot: 0.5.0-0
 * ros-hydro-care-o-bot-robot: 0.5.0-0
 * ros-hydro-care-o-bot-simulation: 0.5.0-0
 * ros-hydro-cob-base-drive-chain: 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-cob-base-velocity-smoother: 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-cob-bringup: 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-cob-bringup-sim: 0.5.2-0
 * ros-hydro-cob-calibration-data: 0.5.1-1
 * ros-hydro-cob-cam3d-throttle: 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-cob-camera-sensors: 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-cob-canopen-motor: 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-cob-collision-velocity-filter: 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-cob-command-gui: 0.5.1-2
 * ros-hydro-cob-command-tools: 0.5.1-2
 * ros-hydro-cob-controller-configuration-gazebo: 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-cob-dashboard: 0.5.1-2
 * ros-hydro-cob-default-env-config: 0.5.1-3
 * ros-hydro-cob-default-robot-config: 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-cob-driver: 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-cob-environments: 0.5.1-3
 * ros-hydro-cob-extern: 0.5.2-5
 * ros-hydro-cob-footprint-observer: 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-cob-gazebo: 0.5.2-0
 * ros-hydro-cob-gazebo-objects: 0.5.2-0
 * ros-hydro-cob-gazebo-worlds: 0.5.2-0
 * ros-hydro-cob-generic-can: 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-cob-grasp-generation: 0.5.1-1
 * ros-hydro-cob-hardware-config: 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-cob-head-axis: 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-cob-hokuyo: 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-cob-hwboard: 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-cob-interactive-teleop: 0.5.1-2
 * ros-hydro-cob-kinematics: 0.5.1-1
 * ros-hydro-cob-lbr: 0.5.1-2
 * ros-hydro-cob-light: 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-cob-linear-nav: 0.5.1-2
 * ros-hydro-cob-lookat-action: 0.5.1-1
 * ros-hydro-cob-manipulation: 0.5.1-1
 * ros-hydro-cob-mapping-slam: 0.5.1-2
 * ros-hydro-cob-monitoring: 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-cob-moveit-config: 0.5.1-1
 * ros-hydro-cob-moveit-interface: 0.5.1-1
 * ros-hydro-cob-navigation: 0.5.1-2
 * ros-hydro-cob-navigation-config: 0.5.1-2
 * ros-hydro-cob-navigation-global: 0.5.1-2
 * ros-hydro-cob-navigation-local: 0.5.1-2
 * ros-hydro-cob-navigation-slam: 0.5.1-2
 * ros-hydro-cob-phidgets: 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-cob-pick-place-action: 0.5.1-1
 * ros-hydro-cob-relayboard: 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-cob-robots: 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-cob-script-server: 0.5.1-2
 * ros-hydro-cob-sick-lms1xx: 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-cob-sick-s300: 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-cob-simulation: 0.5.2-0
 * ros-hydro-cob-sound: 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-cob-substitute: 0.5.1-2
 * ros-hydro-cob-tactiletools: 0.5.1-1
 * ros-hydro-cob-teleop: 0.5.1-2
 * ros-hydro-cob-trajectory-controller: 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-cob-tray-monitor: 0.5.1-1
 * ros-hydro-cob-undercarriage-ctrl: 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-cob-unified-scan-publisher: 0.5.1-2
 * ros-hydro-cob-utilities: 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-cob-voltage-control: 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-depth-image-proc-jsk-patch: 1.0.5-0
 * ros-hydro-diff-drive-controller: 0.7.2-0
 * ros-hydro-downward: 1.0.5-0
 * ros-hydro-eigen-typekit: 2.7.0-1
 * ros-hydro-euslisp: 1.0.4-0
 * ros-hydro-frida-description: 0.5.1-2
 * ros-hydro-frida-driver: 0.5.1-2
 * ros-hydro-frontier-exploration: 0.2.0-0
 * ros-hydro-gripper-action-controller: 0.7.2-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-components-description: 0.3.1-0
 * ros-hydro-image-view-jsk-patch: 1.0.5-0
 * ros-hydro-ipa-canopen: 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-ipa-canopen-core: 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-ipa-canopen-ros: 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-jsk-tools: 1.0.5-0
 * ros-hydro-kdl-typekit: 2.7.0-1
 * ros-hydro-laser-filters-jsk-patch: 1.0.5-0
 * ros-hydro-libntcan: 0.5.2-5
 * ros-hydro-libpcan: 0.5.2-5
 * ros-hydro-libphidgets: 0.5.2-5
 * ros-hydro-lizi: 1.0.2-1
 * ros-hydro-lizi-arduino: 1.0.2-1
 * ros-hydro-lizi-base-station: 1.0.2-1
 * ros-hydro-lizi-robot: 1.0.2-1
 * ros-hydro-lizi-urdf: 1.0.2-1
 * ros-hydro-multi-map-server: 1.0.5-0
 * ros-hydro-openni-tracker-jsk-patch: 1.0.5-0
 * ros-hydro-opt-camera: 1.0.5-0
 * ros-hydro-prace-gripper-description: 0.5.1-2
 * ros-hydro-prace-gripper-driver: 0.5.1-2
 * ros-hydro-rail-maps: 0.2.1-0
 * ros-hydro-rocon-interaction-msgs: 0.6.9-0
 * ros-hydro-roseus: 1.0.4-0
 * ros-hydro-rosh-common: 1.0.1-0
 * ros-hydro-rosh-geometry: 1.0.1-0
 * ros-hydro-rosh-robot: 1.0.1-0
 * ros-hydro-rosh-robot-plugins: 1.0.1-0
 * ros-hydro-rtt-actionlib: 2.7.0-2
 * ros-hydro-rtt-actionlib-msgs: 2.7.0-2
 * ros-hydro-rtt-common-msgs: 2.7.0-2
 * ros-hydro-rtt-diagnostic-msgs: 2.7.0-2
 * ros-hydro-rtt-geometry: 2.7.0-1
 * ros-hydro-rtt-geometry-msgs: 2.7.0-2
 * ros-hydro-rtt-kdl-conversions: 2.7.0-2
 * ros-hydro-rtt-nav-msgs: 2.7.0-2
 * ros-hydro-rtt-ros: 2.7.0-2
 * ros-hydro-rtt-ros-comm: 2.7.0-2
 * ros-hydro-rtt-ros-integration: 2.7.0-2
 * ros-hydro-rtt-ros-tests: 2.7.0-2
 * ros-hydro-rtt-rosclock: 2.7.0-2
 * ros-hydro-rtt-roscomm: 2.7.0-2
 * ros-hydro-rtt-roscomm-tests: 2.7.0-2
 * ros-hydro-rtt-rosgraph-msgs: 2.7.0-2
 * ros-hydro-rtt-rosnode: 2.7.0-2
 * ros-hydro-rtt-rospack: 2.7.0-2
 * ros-hydro-rtt-rospack-tests: 2.7.0-2
 * ros-hydro-rtt-rosparam: 2.7.0-2
 * ros-hydro-rtt-sensor-msgs: 2.7.0-2
 * ros-hydro-rtt-shape-msgs: 2.7.0-2
 * ros-hydro-rtt-std-msgs: 2.7.0-2
 * ros-hydro-rtt-std-srvs: 2.7.0-2
 * ros-hydro-rtt-stereo-msgs: 2.7.0-2
 * ros-hydro-rtt-tf: 2.7.0-2
 * ros-hydro-rtt-trajectory-msgs: 2.7.0-2
 * ros-hydro-rtt-visualization-msgs: 2.7.0-2
 * ros-hydro-schunk-description: 0.5.4-0
 * ros-hydro-schunk-libm5api: 0.5.4-0
 * ros-hydro-schunk-modular-robotics: 0.5.4-0
 * ros-hydro-schunk-powercube-chain: 0.5.4-0
 * ros-hydro-schunk-sdh: 0.5.4-0
 * ros-hydro-schunk-simulated-tactile-sensors: 0.5.4-0
 * ros-hydro-stereo-synchronizer: 1.0.5-0
 * ros-hydro-universal-robot: 1.0.2-0
 * ros-hydro-ur-bringup: 1.0.2-0
 * ros-hydro-ur-description: 1.0.2-0
 * ros-hydro-ur-driver: 1.0.2-0
 * ros-hydro-ur-gazebo: 1.0.2-0
 * ros-hydro-ur-kinematics: 1.0.2-0
 * ros-hydro-ur10-moveit-config: 1.0.2-0
 * ros-hydro-ur5-moveit-config: 1.0.2-0
 * ros-hydro-vision-visp: 0.7.2-0
 * ros-hydro-visp-auto-tracker: 0.7.2-0
 * ros-hydro-visp-bridge: 0.7.2-0
 * ros-hydro-visp-camera-calibration: 0.7.2-0
 * ros-hydro-visp-hand2eye-calibration: 0.7.2-0
 * ros-hydro-visp-tracker: 0.7.2-0

Updated Packages [183]:
 * ros-hydro-brics-actuator: 0.5.0-1 -> 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-cob-common: 0.5.0-1 -> 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-cob-description: 0.5.0-1 -> 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-cob-srvs: 0.5.0-1 -> 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-collada-urdf-jsk-patch: 1.0.2-0 -> 1.0.5-0
 * ros-hydro-concert-msgs: 0.6.7-1 -> 0.6.9-0
 * ros-hydro-controller-interface: 0.6.0-1 -> 0.7.2-0
 * ros-hydro-controller-manager: 0.6.0-1 -> 0.7.2-0
 * ros-hydro-controller-manager-msgs: 0.6.0-1 -> 0.7.2-0
 * ros-hydro-controller-manager-tests: 0.6.0-1 -> 0.7.2-0
 * ros-hydro-create-dashboard: 2.2.0-0 -> 2.2.2-0
 * ros-hydro-create-gazebo-plugins: 2.2.0-0 -> 2.2.2-0
 * ros-hydro-default-cfg-fkie: 0.3.9-0 -> 0.3.10-0
 * ros-hydro-desire-description: 0.5.0-1 -> 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-dynamic-reconfigure: 1.5.34-0 -> 1.5.36-0
 * ros-hydro-dynamic-tf-publisher: 1.0.2-0 -> 1.0.5-0
 * ros-hydro-dynamixel-pro-controller: 0.8.3-0 -> 0.8.4-0
 * ros-hydro-ecto: 0.6.2-0 -> 0.6.3-0
 * ros-hydro-ecto-openni: 0.3.9-0 -> 0.4.0-0
 * ros-hydro-ecto-pcl: 0.3.14-0 -> 0.4.0-0
 * ros-hydro-ecto-ros: 0.4.0-0 -> 0.4.1-0
 * ros-hydro-effort-controllers: 0.6.0-0 -> 0.7.2-0
 * ros-hydro-force-torque-sensor-controller: 0.6.0-0 -> 0.7.2-0
 * ros-hydro-forward-command-controller: 0.6.0-0 -> 0.7.2-0
 * ros-hydro-gateway-msgs: 0.6.7-1 -> 0.6.9-0
 * ros-hydro-gazebo-msgs: 2.3.4-0 -> 2.3.5-1
 * ros-hydro-gazebo-plugins: 2.3.4-0 -> 2.3.5-1
 * ros-hydro-gazebo-ros: 2.3.4-0 -> 2.3.5-1
 * ros-hydro-gazebo-ros-control: 2.3.4-0 -> 2.3.5-1
 * ros-hydro-gazebo-ros-pkgs: 2.3.4-0 -> 2.3.5-1
 * ros-hydro-handle-detector: 1.0.4-1 -> 1.0.6-0
 * ros-hydro-hardware-interface: 0.6.0-1 -> 0.7.2-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-compressed-map-transport: 0.3.1-0 -> 0.3.2-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-gazebo: 0.3.1-0 -> 0.3.2-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-gazebo-plugins: 0.3.1-0 -> 0.3.2-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-gazebo-thermal-camera: 0.3.1-0 -> 0.3.2-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-gazebo-worlds: 0.3.1-0 -> 0.3.2-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-geotiff: 0.3.1-0 -> 0.3.2-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-geotiff-plugins: 0.3.1-0 -> 0.3.2-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-imu-attitude-to-tf: 0.3.1-0 -> 0.3.2-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-localization: 0.1.0-1 -> 0.1.1-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-map-server: 0.3.1-0 -> 0.3.2-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-map-tools: 0.3.1-0 -> 0.3.2-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-mapping: 0.3.1-0 -> 0.3.2-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-marker-drawing: 0.3.1-0 -> 0.3.2-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-models: 0.3.0-0 -> 0.3.1-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-nav-msgs: 0.3.1-0 -> 0.3.2-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-object-tracker: 0.3.0-0 -> 0.3.1-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-pose-estimation: 0.1.0-1 -> 0.1.1-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-pose-estimation-core: 0.1.0-1 -> 0.1.1-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-quadrotor: 0.3.1-1 -> 0.3.2-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-quadrotor-controller: 0.3.1-1 -> 0.3.2-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-quadrotor-controller-gazebo: 0.3.1-1 -> 0.3.2-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-quadrotor-demo: 0.3.1-1 -> 0.3.2-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-quadrotor-description: 0.3.1-1 -> 0.3.2-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-quadrotor-gazebo: 0.3.1-1 -> 0.3.2-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-quadrotor-gazebo-plugins: 0.3.1-1 -> 0.3.2-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-quadrotor-model: 0.3.1-1 -> 0.3.2-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-quadrotor-pose-estimation: 0.3.1-1 -> 0.3.2-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-quadrotor-teleop: 0.3.1-1 -> 0.3.2-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-sensors-description: 0.3.0-0 -> 0.3.1-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-sensors-gazebo: 0.3.0-0 -> 0.3.2-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-slam: 0.3.1-0 -> 0.3.2-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-slam-launch: 0.3.1-0 -> 0.3.2-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-trajectory-server: 0.3.1-0 -> 0.3.2-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-uav-msgs: 0.3.1-1 -> 0.3.2-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-worldmodel: 0.3.0-0 -> 0.3.1-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-worldmodel-geotiff-plugins: 0.3.0-0 -> 0.3.1-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-worldmodel-msgs: 0.3.0-0 -> 0.3.1-0
 * ros-hydro-hector-xacro-tools: 0.3.0-0 -> 0.3.1-0
 * ros-hydro-hrpsys: 315.1.8-1 -> 315.1.9-2
 * ros-hydro-hrpsys-ros-bridge: 1.0.5-0 -> 1.0.7-4
 * ros-hydro-hrpsys-tools: 1.0.5-0 -> 1.0.7-4
 * ros-hydro-image-view2: 1.0.2-0 -> 1.0.5-0
 * ros-hydro-imu-sensor-controller: 0.6.0-0 -> 0.7.2-0
 * ros-hydro-joint-limits-interface: 0.6.0-1 -> 0.7.2-0
 * ros-hydro-joint-state-controller: 0.6.0-0 -> 0.7.2-0
 * ros-hydro-joint-trajectory-controller: 0.6.0-0 -> 0.7.2-0
 * ros-hydro-jsk-common: 1.0.2-0 -> 1.0.5-0
 * ros-hydro-jsk-footstep-msgs: 1.0.2-0 -> 1.0.5-0
 * ros-hydro-jsk-gui-msgs: 1.0.2-0 -> 1.0.5-0
 * ros-hydro-jsk-hark-msgs: 1.0.2-0 -> 1.0.5-0
 * ros-hydro-jsk-topic-tools: 1.0.2-0 -> 1.0.5-0
 * ros-hydro-master-discovery-fkie: 0.3.9-0 -> 0.3.10-0
 * ros-hydro-master-sync-fkie: 0.3.9-0 -> 0.3.10-0
 * ros-hydro-message-to-tf: 0.1.0-1 -> 0.1.1-0
 * ros-hydro-mjpeg-server: 1.1.0-0 -> 1.1.1-0
 * ros-hydro-multimaster-fkie: 0.3.9-0 -> 0.3.10-0
 * ros-hydro-multimaster-msgs-fkie: 0.3.9-0 -> 0.3.10-0
 * ros-hydro-nao-bringup: 0.2.2-0 -> 0.2.3-0
 * ros-hydro-nao-description: 0.2.2-0 -> 0.2.3-0
 * ros-hydro-nao-driver: 0.2.2-0 -> 0.2.3-0
 * ros-hydro-nao-msgs: 0.2.2-0 -> 0.2.3-0
 * ros-hydro-nao-pose: 0.2.2-0 -> 0.2.3-0
 * ros-hydro-nao-robot: 0.2.2-0 -> 0.2.3-0
 * ros-hydro-node-manager-fkie: 0.3.9-0 -> 0.3.10-0
 * ros-hydro-ocl: 2.7.0-3 -> 2.7.0-4
 * ros-hydro-openrtm-aist: 1.1.0-4 -> 1.1.0-6
 * ros-hydro-openrtm-aist-core: 1.1.0-4 -> 1.1.0-6
 * ros-hydro-openrtm-aist-python: 1.1.0-4 -> 1.1.0-6
 * ros-hydro-openrtm-ros-bridge: 1.0.5-0 -> 1.0.7-4
 * ros-hydro-openrtm-tools: 1.0.5-0 -> 1.0.7-4
 * ros-hydro-pano-core: 2.2.4-0 -> 2.2.5-0
 * ros-hydro-pano-py: 2.2.4-0 -> 2.2.5-0
 * ros-hydro-pano-ros: 2.2.4-0 -> 2.2.5-0
 * ros-hydro-posedetection-msgs: 1.0.2-0 -> 1.0.5-0
 * ros-hydro-position-controllers: 0.6.0-0 -> 0.7.2-0
 * ros-hydro-pr2-groovy-patches: 1.0.2-0 -> 1.0.5-0
 * ros-hydro-raw-description: 0.5.0-1 -> 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-robot-pose-publisher: 0.2.2-0 -> 0.2.3-0
 * ros-hydro-rocon-app-manager-msgs: 0.6.7-1 -> 0.6.9-0
 * ros-hydro-rocon-msgs: 0.6.7-1 -> 0.6.9-0
 * ros-hydro-rocon-service-pair-msgs: 0.6.7-1 -> 0.6.9-0
 * ros-hydro-rocon-std-msgs: 0.6.7-1 -> 0.6.9-0
 * ros-hydro-ros-control: 0.6.0-1 -> 0.7.2-0
 * ros-hydro-ros-controllers: 0.6.0-0 -> 0.7.2-0
 * ros-hydro-rosapi: 0.5.1-0 -> 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-rosauth: 0.1.3-0 -> 0.1.4-0
 * ros-hydro-rosbridge-library: 0.5.1-0 -> 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-rosbridge-server: 0.5.1-0 -> 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-rosbridge-suite: 0.5.1-0 -> 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-rosjava-bootstrap: 0.1.16-0 -> 0.1.20-1
 * ros-hydro-rosjava-build-tools: 0.1.32-0 -> 0.1.33-0
 * ros-hydro-roslint: 0.9.1-0 -> 0.9.2-0
 * ros-hydro-rosnode-rtc: 1.0.5-0 -> 1.0.7-4
 * ros-hydro-rospatlite: 1.0.2-0 -> 1.0.5-0
 * ros-hydro-rosping: 1.0.2-0 -> 1.0.5-0
 * ros-hydro-rqt-controller-manager: 0.6.0-1 -> 0.7.2-0
 * ros-hydro-rtctree: 3.0.0-2 -> 3.0.0-3
 * ros-hydro-rtmbuild: 1.0.5-0 -> 1.0.7-4
 * ros-hydro-rtmros-common: 1.0.5-0 -> 1.0.7-4
 * ros-hydro-rtshell: 3.0.0-2 -> 3.0.0-3
 * ros-hydro-rtshell-core: 3.0.0-2 -> 3.0.0-3
 * ros-hydro-rtsprofile: 3.0.0-2 -> 3.0.0-3
 * ros-hydro-rtt: 2.7.0-7 -> 2.7.0-8
 * ros-hydro-scheduler-msgs: 0.6.7-1 -> 0.6.9-0
 * ros-hydro-sr-config: 1.3.0-1 -> 1.3.3-0
 * ros-hydro-sr-cyberglove-config: 1.3.0-1 -> 1.3.3-0
 * ros-hydro-sr-ethercat-hand-config: 1.3.0-1 -> 1.3.3-0
 * ros-hydro-sr-ronex: 0.9.5-0 -> 0.9.6-0
 * ros-hydro-sr-ronex-controllers: 0.9.5-0 -> 0.9.6-0
 * ros-hydro-sr-ronex-drivers: 0.9.5-0 -> 0.9.6-0
 * ros-hydro-sr-ronex-examples: 0.9.5-0 -> 0.9.6-0
 * ros-hydro-sr-ronex-external-protocol: 0.9.5-0 -> 0.9.6-0
 * ros-hydro-sr-ronex-hardware-interface: 0.9.5-0 -> 0.9.6-0
 * ros-hydro-sr-ronex-launch: 0.9.5-0 -> 0.9.6-0
 * ros-hydro-sr-ronex-msgs: 0.9.5-0 -> 0.9.6-0
 * ros-hydro-sr-ronex-test: 0.9.5-0 -> 0.9.6-0
 * ros-hydro-sr-ronex-transmissions: 0.9.5-0 -> 0.9.6-0
 * ros-hydro-sr-ronex-utilities: 0.9.5-0 -> 0.9.6-0
 * ros-hydro-stage: 4.1.1-5 -> 4.1.1-6
 * ros-hydro-stdr-gui: 0.1.2-0 -> 0.1.3-0
 * ros-hydro-stdr-launchers: 0.1.2-0 -> 0.1.3-0
 * ros-hydro-stdr-msgs: 0.1.2-0 -> 0.1.3-0
 * ros-hydro-stdr-parser: 0.1.2-0 -> 0.1.3-0
 * ros-hydro-stdr-resources: 0.1.2-0 -> 0.1.3-0
 * ros-hydro-stdr-robot: 0.1.2-0 -> 0.1.3-0
 * ros-hydro-stdr-samples: 0.1.2-0 -> 0.1.3-0
 * ros-hydro-stdr-server: 0.1.2-0 -> 0.1.3-0
 * ros-hydro-stdr-simulator: 0.1.2-0 -> 0.1.3-0
 * ros-hydro-transmission-interface: 0.6.0-1 -> 0.7.2-0
 * ros-hydro-turtlebot-actions: 2.2.4-0 -> 2.2.5-0
 * ros-hydro-turtlebot-apps: 2.2.4-0 -> 2.2.5-0
 * ros-hydro-turtlebot-calibration: 2.2.4-0 -> 2.2.5-0
 * ros-hydro-turtlebot-core-apps: 2.2.4-0 -> 2.2.5-0
 * ros-hydro-turtlebot-create-desktop: 2.2.0-0 -> 2.2.2-0
 * ros-hydro-turtlebot-follower: 2.2.4-0 -> 2.2.5-0
 * ros-hydro-turtlebot-navigation: 2.2.4-0 -> 2.2.5-0
 * ros-hydro-turtlebot-panorama: 2.2.4-0 -> 2.2.5-0
 * ros-hydro-turtlebot-teleop: 2.2.4-0 -> 2.2.5-0
 * ros-hydro-velocity-controllers: 0.6.0-0 -> 0.7.2-0
 * ros-hydro-visp: 2.9.0-2 -> 2.9.0-3
 * ros-hydro-world-magnetic-model: 0.1.0-1 -> 0.1.1-0
 * ros-hydro-yocs-cmd-vel-mux: 0.5.2-1 -> 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-yocs-controllers: 0.5.2-1 -> 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-yocs-diff-drive-pose-controller: 0.5.2-1 -> 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-yocs-math-toolkit: 0.5.2-1 -> 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-yocs-velocity-smoother: 0.5.2-1 -> 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-yocs-virtual-sensor: 0.5.2-1 -> 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-yocs-waypoints-navi: 0.5.2-1 -> 0.5.3-0
 * ros-hydro-youbot-description: 0.8.0-0 -> 0.8.0-1
 * ros-hydro-youbot-driver: 1.0.0-3 -> 1.0.0-4
 * ros-hydro-yujin-ocs: 0.5.2-1 -> 0.5.3-0

Removed Packages [1]:
- ros-hydro-gazebo-rtt-plugin

Thanks to all ROS maintainers who make packages available to the ROS community. The above list of packages was made possible by the work of the following maintainers:
 * Adolfo Rodriguez Tsouroukdissian
 * Alexander Bubeck
 * Alexander Tiderko
 * Andreas ten Pas
 * Armin Hornung
 * Bence Magyar
 * Benjamin Maidel
 * Brandon Alexander
 * Brian Axelrod
 * Chris Zalidis
 * Dan Lazewatsky
 * Daniel Stonier
 * Denis Štogl
 * Eduard Herkel
 * Esteve Fernandez
 * Fabien Spindler
 * Felix Messmer
 * Florian Mirus
 * Florian Weisshardt
 * Georg Arbeiter
 * Hiroyuki Mikita
 * Jan Fischer
 * Jihoon Lee
 * Johannes Meyer
 * John Hsu
 * Jonathan Bohren
 * Jorge Santos
 * Jorge Santos Simon
 * KazutoMurase
 * Kei OKada
 * Kei Okada
 * Kelsey Hawkins
 * Maintained by Dan Lazewatsky
 * Manos Nikolaidis
 * Marcus Liebhardt
 * Mathias Luedtke
 * Matthias Gruhler
 * Melonee Wise
 * Michal Spanel
 * Mike Purvis
 * Miquel Massot
 * MoveIt Setup Assistant
 * Nadia Hammoudeh
 * Nate Koenig
 * OCL Development Team
 * Orocos Developers
 * Orocos Development Team
 * Paul Bovbel
 * ROS package maintained by Kei Okada
 * RTT Developers
 * Rethink Robotics Inc.
 * RoboTiCan
 * Ruben Smits
 * Russell Toris
 * Ryohei Ueda
 * Sachin Chitta
 * Severin Lemaignan
 * Shadow Robot's software team
 * Shaun Edwards
 * Shohei Fujii
 * Stefan Kohlbrecher
 * Takuya Nakaoka
 * Thiago de Freitas
 * Vijay Pradeep
 * Vincent Rabaud
 * Walter Nowak
 * William Woodall
 * Wim Meeussen
 * Yohei Kakiuchi
 * ruben smits

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