[ros-users] error: cannot load message class. Are you messages built?

Tully Foote tfoote at willowgarage.com
Fri Aug 13 00:56:26 UTC 2010

You might find `rosmake --target=clean -a --build-everything` to do most of
what you want.  It's not guaranteed to get everything but it will get you
pretty close.


On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 3:36 PM, Billy Okal <b.okal at jacobs-university.de>wrote:

> When u do
> 'make clean'
> in the package, it removes all the auto-generated stuff and only sources,
> .msg. .srv. manifest.xml and the cmake file remains. this is what I do for
> subversion purposes as I don't want to have the generated stuff under
> version control.
> Billy
> 2010/8/12 Gonçalo Cabrita <goncabrita at gmail.com>
>> Thanks Ken, it worked!!
>> However Ugo's reply got me thinking...
>> So if I make a ROS pkg and want to share it with colleagues or online, is
>> there any command I can run to "clean" the pkg, like "rosmake --pre-clean
>> pkg-name" (I didn't try this yet)?
>> Thanks for the help guys,
>> Gonçalo Cabrita
>> ISR - University of Coimbra
>> Portugal
>> On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 5:57 PM, Ken Conley <kwc at willowgarage.com> wrote:
>>> You will need to delete src/ardusim/msg/*.py as well.
>>> I general, there are a lot of problems copying compiled code trees
>>> from one platform to another. In this case, there is the
>>> incompatibilities of:
>>>  * Mac->Ubuntu
>>>  * cturtle -> boxturtle
>>> Both of those are likely to cause problems.
>>> HTH,
>>> Ken
>>> 2010/8/12 Gonçalo Cabrita <goncabrita at gmail.com>:
>>> > Thanks for your replies guys!
>>> >
>>> > I'm pretty sure ROS_PACKAGE_PATH is set correctly. Ardusim was already
>>> in the Eee PC, I just deleted it and copied the new version from my
>>> computer. I deleted everything in the build folder and run rosmake ardusim.
>>> Everything went as usual. I also checked for the build msg line at the cmake
>>> file.
>>> >
>>> > I've tried to delete everything and leave only the code inside src and
>>> the .msg files inside msg hoping there could be something that came from
>>> cturtle that is not allowing it to run in boxturtle, but still after
>>> everything compiles fine rostopic echo is not running.
>>> >
>>> > I'll try recording some data with rosbag and write a small node to read
>>> the published topics. If the problem is just with rostopic echo I should be
>>> able to continue my work. On the other hand I must find out what's wrong or
>>> I wont be able to sleep tonight! :D
>>> >
>>> > Gonçalo Cabrita
>>> > ISR - University of Coimbra
>>> > Portugal
>>> >
>>> > On Aug 12, 2010, at 5:27 PM, Ken Conley wrote:
>>> >
>>> >> This message usually occurs when rostopic cannot load
>>> >> ardusim/src/ardusim/msg/_TPA.py, which it needs to deserialize the
>>> >> messages it echos. The rest of the tests with type/show/etc... don't
>>> >> need the .py file, which is why they don't error.  I would attempt to
>>> >> rebuild the ardusim package and check for errors. I would also make
>>> >> sure that ardusim is on your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH.
>>> >>
>>> >> - Ken
>>> >>
>>> >> 2010/8/12 Gonçalo Cabrita <goncabrita at gmail.com>:
>>> >>> Hi guys!
>>> >>>
>>> >>> I have made an ROS node for reading sensors connected to an arduino.
>>> Along with the node I created some ROS msgs for the sensors. I compiled and
>>> tested everything on my MacBook running Ubuntu 10.04 with cturtle, however,
>>> when I copy the node to the robots (Eee PC also with Ubuntu 10.04 with
>>> boxturtle) I run into some problems.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Everything compiles fine, and the node runs just fine, however I
>>> cannot rostopic echo my custom msgs! It gives me this error:
>>> >>>
>>> >>> error: cannot load message class for [ardusim/TPA]. Are you messages
>>> built?
>>> >>>
>>> >>> The topics show up on rostopic list. I can run rostopic type and
>>> rosmsg show. I've also tried roswtf but everything seems fine.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> What am I missing here? Could it have something to do with having
>>> cturtle on one computer and boxturtle on the other? The node was created on
>>> the MacBook with boxturtle previous to the cturtle update.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Thanks for the help,
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Gonçalo Cabrita
>>> >>> ISR - University of Coimbra
>>> >>> Portugal
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> Best Regards,
> Billy Okal.
> "sure vi is user friendly, its just particular about who to be friends
> with"
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Tully Foote
Systems Engineer
Willow Garage, Inc.
tfoote at willowgarage.com
(650) 475-2827
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