[ros-users] Ros Node for Sick LMS 100

Morgan Quigley mquigley at cs.stanford.edu
Sun Aug 22 05:55:44 UTC 2010

Hi Vinay,

You could start with the sicktoolbox_wrapper package. It uses the
well-tested sicktoolbox library: http://sicktoolbox.sourceforge.net/
it probably doesn't work out-of-the-box with the LMS100, but I suspect
the sicktoolbox developers would welcome any patches you could provide
to make it work; since ROS is a downstream consumer of sicktoolbox,
any improvements you make to sicktoolbox would quickly work their way
into the ROS build (we'd only have to tweak which version we're

There are also other packages which handle other newer SICK scanners;
search for "sick" on the package browser site:


On Sat, Aug 21, 2010 at 3:54 PM, Vinay K <vinay.csir at gmail.com> wrote:
> Well I am also looking for Sick LMS100 ros node.
> Vinay
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