[ros-users] Build Messages

Ugo Cupcic ugo at shadowrobot.com
Tue Aug 24 15:09:04 UTC 2010


Not entirely sure, but I guess that if you leave:
in your CMakeLists.txt and comment out your rosbuild_add_executables /
... It should generate the messages only.



On 24/8/2010, "Daniel Grollman" <daniel.grollman at epfl.ch> wrote:

>Howdy ROSers,
>	I'm looking to build the message classes for a package without building
>the actual binaries.  Do-able?  Easy?
>Details:  My robot's node requires libraries and hardware that my
>desktop doesn't have.  I'd like to watch the topics being broadcast by
>my robot from my desktop, but I can't because the message classes don't
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