[ros-users] pose in rviz

Brian Gerkey gerkey at willowgarage.com
Wed Aug 25 16:30:36 UTC 2010

On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 7:52 AM, safdar_zaman <safdaraslam at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I did localization successfully but now when I  see the position of Robot in
> the Map using rviz, I get posarray( crowd of red arrows) on differen
> position on the Map in rviz. I move Robot one side and posarray's crowd
> moves other side in other direction. Is there any exact way to see whether
> localization gives the correct position of Robot on the Map? How to
> visualize it?

The best way to visualize localization is using the Transform display,
with "map" as the fixed frame.  Then the "odom" frame shows you the
pose estimate from localization.

The PoseArray display (using the /particlecloud topic) is only used
when debugging localization (e.g., trying to understand why the pose
estimate is bad in a particular environment).


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