[ros-users] NXT map making

Melonee Wise mwise at willowgarage.com
Thu Aug 26 17:50:32 UTC 2010

Hi max -

In the nxt_assisted_teleop package there is a conversion script called range_to_pointcloud.py or something similar... We used this conversion script along with the nav stack which creates a costmap.. The scene in the video is using the nxt_assisted_teleop package which is showing the costmap as we drive around in the odom_combined frame. Take a look at the launch script in nxt_assisted_teleop to get a better feel for what parts of the nav stack we're using


On Aug 26, 2010, at 10:22 AM, Max B <skinkworks42 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
>      In the NXT video featured on the ROS news feed, a robot is shown making/using a map. How was this done? My attempts at map making with slam_gmapping and my own code to covert Range messages to LaserScan messages doesn't produce nearly as nice looking results.
> From,
>     Max
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