[ros-users] Jack O'Quin now maintainer of the camera_drivers stack

Ken Conley kwc at willowgarage.com
Sun Dec 19 20:44:09 UTC 2010

I'm happy to announce that Jack O'Quin is now the maintainer of the
camera_drivers stack.  His work with writing the official camera1394
package for ROS, creating an open review process, and work with the
utexas-art-ros-pkg repository made him an obvious choice for this
role.  In this role, Jack will be able to help promote new camera
drivers to official status, maintain standards for inclusion, and have
official say over the camera "interface".

Jack is the first external maintainer of a core ROS stack, which is an
important transition towards broader ownership over the ROS codebase.
We've been talking with representatives of various open-source
organizations, like Mozilla, to better understand how to approach a
ROS Foundation.  One example we liked was the Mozilla Foundation: they
have many module maintainers who are not part of the organization.
Also, module maintainers are expected to represent the module, not
their organization.

We hope to see more core ROS stacks maintained externally, whether by
adding external stacks to the base, or by transitioning more existing
stacks to external maintainers.  We invite those interested in
becoming maintainers for core stacks to become involved by joining
ros-developers, participating/running API reviews, participating in
the REP process, and contributing code.

 - Ken

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