[ros-users] Nodelets
Nicholas Butko
nbutko at ucsd.edu
Sun Dec 5 20:01:22 UTC 2010
On Dec 5, 2010, at 12:31 AM, Tully Foote wrote:
> I am trying to move some computer vision code to nodelets. The idea is to have one camera nodelet serving frames, and everybody else grabbing and processing them.
> That is one of the goals of the nodelet design. You can see my other ros-users post about how to add an nodelet::Loader class to your node and then you can just load into that manager. http://code.ros.org/lurker/message/20101205.074703.0991b0ae.en.html
Tully, I have been playing around with this approach, trying to get it to work. I have been having some trouble. The nodelets are loaded, onInit() is called, but callbacks aren't called on the nodelets. Is there something about ros::spinOnce() that doesn't do the right thing for nodelets?
Below is a detailed example, if it helps.
I set up something similar to this example, but that also publishes a message:
int main(int argc, char** argv)
ros::init(argc, argv, "VisionNodeletManager");
ros::NodeHandle n;
nodelet::Loader l; //This is what we need to be a nodelet manager
ros::Publisher pub = n.advertise<std_msgs::Bool>("camera_display_disable", 1000);
ros::Rate loop_rate(1);
while (ros::ok()) {
std_msgs::Bool msg;
msg.data = 0;
ROS_INFO_STREAM("Published frame.");
return 0;
I then set up a listener nodelet:
namespace vision_nodelets
class CameraDisplayNodelet : public nodelet::Nodelet
CameraDisplayNodelet() :
virtual void onInit()
ROS_INFO_STREAM("Calling onInit() for CameraDisplayNodelet");
ros::NodeHandle& private_nh = getPrivateNodeHandle();
private_nh.getParam("disabled", disabled_);
ROS_INFO_STREAM("Parameters: disabled=" << disabled_ );
sub = private_nh.subscribe("camera_display_disable", 1000, &CameraDisplayNodelet::callback, this);
ROS_INFO_STREAM("Finished onInit()");
void callback(const std_msgs::Bool::ConstPtr& input)
ROS_INFO_STREAM("Received message: camera_display_disable=" << input->data);
disabled_ = input->data;
int disabled_;
ros::Subscriber sub;
PLUGINLIB_DECLARE_CLASS(vision_nodelets, CameraDisplayNodelet, vision_nodelets::CameraDisplayNodelet, nodelet::Nodelet);
In Terminal A, I run
rosrun vision_nodelets vision_nodelet_manager
In Terminal B, I run
rosrun nodelet nodelet load vision_nodelets/CameraDisplayNodelet VisionNodeletManager
In Terminal C, I run
rostopic echo /camera_display_disable
The following behavior is observed:
In Terminal A I see unexpected outpt:
Every second I see the message "Published Frame". When the nodelet is started in Terminal B, I see "Calling onInit()"... I never see "Received message."
In Terminal B I see expected output:
[ INFO] [1291578492.136581000]: Loading nodelet /vision_nodelets_CameraDisplayNodelet of type vision_nodelets/CameraDisplayNodelet to manager VisionNodeletManager with the following remappings:
In Terminal C I see expected output:
Once every second I see
data: False
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