[ros-users] pr2_teleop keyboard app publishing 0 twist msg after key release

Eric Perko wisesage5001 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 15 16:12:08 UTC 2010

On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 10:47 AM, Steven Bellens <
steven.bellens at mech.kuleuven.be> wrote:

> Hi,
> I made a little patch for the pr2_teleop keyboard app in order to, as
> soon as the user releases the key, it publishes a zero Twist msg. We
> needed it here in order to get it succesfully working with our Orocos
> application. Otherwise, the robot would just keep on moving after
> releasing the key( which sounds like very dangerous :) )
> How do other ROS applications handle this? I guess there must be some
> timeout implemented while listening on the twist topic in order to set
> the velocity to 0 when no new data arrives?

I put the command timeout in my twist receiver that then forwards commands
to the robot's controller. This way, you still get the same timeout behavior
whether the twist is coming from a joystick, the nav stack, a custom node,
etc. This could be helpful if, say, your custom node dies without getting a
chance to publish a 0 Twist.

- Eric

> If others are interested, I'll file a ticket for it.
> regards,
> Steven
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