[ros-users] Avoiding Collisions between robots

David Portugal davidbsp at iol.pt
Tue Dec 28 15:23:58 UTC 2010

Thank you very much for your answer guys!

Actually I didn't think about the laser's position on the simulations.  
It is, in fact, mounted on top of each robot. Therefore, one laser  
does not see the body of other robots due to their heights.

Eitan's idea to publish a point cloud of obstacle data sounds really  
nice. Nevertheless, I am going to try to adjust the laser's height  
firstly in the .world file on stage to check how the navigation stack  
handles the multi-robot case and if I feel that is necessary I will  
also implement Eitan's idea.

My .world file is:

define hokuyo laser(
   	range_max 2.0
   	fov 270.25
   	samples 1081

   	color "black"
   	size [ 0.05 0.05 0.1 ]

define robot position(
   	size [0.33 0.33 0.1]

   	# This block approximates a circular shape of a Robot
     	points 16
     	point[0] [ 0.225 0.000 ]
     	point[1] [ 0.208 0.086 ]
     	point[2] [ 0.159 0.159 ]
     	point[3] [ 0.086 0.208 ]
     	point[4] [ 0.000 0.225 ]
     	point[5] [ -0.086 0.208 ]
     	point[6] [ -0.159 0.159 ]
     	point[7] [ -0.208 0.086 ]
     	point[8] [ -0.225 0.000 ]
     	point[9] [ -0.208 -0.086 ]
     	point[10] [ -0.159 -0.159 ]
     	point[11] [ -0.086 -0.208 ]
     	point[12] [ -0.000 -0.225 ]
     	point[13] [ 0.086 -0.208 ]
     	point[14] [ 0.159 -0.159 ]
    	point[15] [ 0.208 -0.086 ]

	color "gray50"

   	hokuyo( pose [0 0 0.1 0] )
   	color "gray50"

   size [ 720 692 1]
   rotate [ 0.000 0.000 ]
   center [5.975 6.225 ]
   scale 35
   show_data 1

define floorplan model (
   	# Sombre, sensible, artistic
   	color "gray30"

	# Most maps will need a bounding box
	boundary 1

	gui_nose 0
	gui_grid 0
	gui_move 0
	gui_outline 0
	gripper_return 0
	fiducial_return 0
	laser_return 1

floorplan (
   size [11.95 12.45  1]
   pose [5.975 6.225 0 0]
   bitmap "1r-5-map.pgm"

   	# Can refer to the robot by this name
   	name "robot0"
	pose [ 5.80 7.35 0 90.0 ]

	drive "diff"

   	localization "gps"
   	localization_origin [ 0 0 0 0 ]

   	# Can refer to the robot by this name
   	name "robot1"
	pose [ 1.00 7.50 0 90.0 ]

	drive "diff"

   	localization "gps"
   	localization_origin [ 0 0 0 0 ]

I believe I just have to change the pose of the Hokuyo laser, right?

Again, thank you very much for your hints. I hope to solve the problem soon :)

Best Regards,

David Portugal

Mobile Robotics Laboratory
Institute of Systems and Robotics
University of Coimbra

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