[ros-users] can't seem to roslaunch nodes on other machines

Sean Anderson sanderson at clearpathrobotics.com
Mon Jul 5 20:26:10 UTC 2010

I'm trying to create a roslaunch file that will be able to spin up many of
the main nodes I will be using. In this file, I want to launch my navigation
based nodes on a netbook mounted to the robot.

I've followed some of the examples I found about setting up roslaunch and
machine definitions, as well as setting up ssh keys for permission

it seems that the problem is, after ssh'ing in, it wants to use my local
ROS_ROOT directory on the other machine..

here is the output:

started roslaunch server http://sanderson:50947/
remote[citadel.local-0] starting roslaunch
remote[citadel.local-0]: creating ssh connection to citadel.local:22,
remote[citadel.local-0]: ssh connection created
remote[citadel.local-0]: env: /home/sanderson/ros/ros/bin/roslaunch: No such
file or directory

[citadel.local-0] process has died
remote roslaunch failed to launch: core

I've set up a roslaunch file that includes this:

  <include file="$(find clearpath_gui)/list.machine" />
  <group ns="clearpath/robots/$(optenv ID default)">
    <node pkg="clearpath_2dnav" type="odometry_publisher.py" name="$(anon
odometry)" machine="core" output="screen" />

I've tried list.machine with both:

  <machine name="core" address="citadel.local" ros-root="$(env ROS_ROOT)"
ros-package-path="$(env ROS_PACKAGE_PATH)" user="mpurvis"/>


  <machine name="core" address="citadel.local" user="mpurvis"/>

Any help is greatly appreciated!! Thanks
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