[ros-users] dependents

Mark Worsdall code.ros.org at wizdom.org.uk
Thu Jul 1 11:53:05 UTC 2010


   1: [  Built   ] in 0:0.00 [Untested ] in 0.00 --- genmsg_cpp
   2: [  Built   ] in 0:0.00 [Untested ] in 0.00 --- rospack
   3: [  Built   ] in 0:3.22 [Untested ] in 0.00 --- roslib
   4: [  Built   ] in 0:1.25 [Untested ] in 0.00 --- rosclean
   5: [  Built   ] in 0:1.73 [Untested ] in 0.00 --- rosgraph
   6: [  Built   ] in 0:0.00 [Untested ] in 0.00 --- roslang
   7: [  Built   ] in 0:1.22 [Untested ] in 0.00 --- rospy
   8: [  Built   ] in 0:1.40 [Untested ] in 0.00 --- rosmaster
   9: [  Built   ] in 0:1.45 [Untested ] in 0.00 --- xmlrpcpp
  10: [  Built   ] in 0:2.83 [Untested ] in 0.00 --- rosconsole
  11: [  Built   ] in 0:6.37 [Untested ] in 0.00 --- roscpp
  12: [  Built   ] in 0:1.85 [Untested ] in 0.00 --- rosout
  13: [  Built   ] in 0:0.00 [Untested ] in 0.00 --- roslaunch
  14: [  Built   ] in 0:3.29 [Untested ] in 0.00 --- rostest
  15: [  Built   ] in 0:2.41 [Untested ] in 0.00 --- bullet
27.01 Cumulative,  34.09 Elapsed, 0.79 Speedup

In message 
<AANLkTiksEBUcOwibE9Q1EfPRnOBNgbWoaLnVfZxM5ghm at mail.gmail.com>, Daniel 
Stonier <d.stonier at gmail.com> writes
>On 30 June 2010 21:32, Mark Worsdall <code.ros.org at wizdom.org.uk> 
>> Hi Tully,
>> After confirmation that I had the right boost and log4cxx already
>> installed I then changed squeeze/sid to squeeze in file 
>> This indeed worked (made me happy - dont take much).
>> So did:
> rosmake --rosdep-install --rosdep-yes
> make[3]: Entering directory `/home/ros/ros/stacks/geometry/tf/build'
> Linking CXX shared library ../lib/libtf.so
> /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lBulletDynamics
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

The BulletDynamics library is exported from the ros bullet package
(geometry/bullet). Are you sure that got built correctly?

Daniel Stonier.

> with my newly acquired knowledge ;-) looking at
> stack/geometry/rosdep.yaml:
> glut:
>  ubuntu: libglut3-dev
>  debian: libglut3-dev
>  fedora: freeglut-devel
>  arch: freeglut
>  gentoo: freeglut
> python-sip4:
>  ubuntu: python-sip4-dev sip4
>  debian: python-sip4-dev sip4
>  macports: py25-sip
>  gentoo: dev-python/sip
>  arch: sip
> I was able to check they are present and they were.
> Any other things I can check?
> In message
> <AANLkTinssY1O1AThQSqxF5zbqwstrqHpCf2wL24IZU4Z at mail.gmail.com>, Tully
> Foote <tfoote at willowgarage.com> writes
>>This is saying that it can't find a definition for log4cxx and boost 
>>squeeze.  squeeze is unrelease and thus not weel supported.  If you
>>change the lines in ros/rosdep.yaml to squeeze from squeeze/sid it
>>shoudl work for you.  Or if you have manually installed boost and
>>log4cxx you don't need to use rosdep to install them.  Rosdep will not
>>detect them unless you change the names above.
>>On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 3:17 PM, Mark Worsdall <code.ros.org@
>>wizdom.org.uk> wrote:
>>  Hi,
>>  For any package where does one look to see what external packages
>>  are
>>  needed for any ros thingy.
>>  I thought I had sorted the boost and log4cxx but obviously not.
>>  rosdep install roscpp
>>  Failed to find rosdep boost for package roscpp on OS:debian
>>  version:squeeze
>>  Failed to find rosdep log4cxx for package roscpp on OS:debian
>>  version:squeeze
>>  ERROR: ABORTING: Rosdeps [u'boost', u'log4cxx'] could not be
>>  resolved
>>  So I am manually installing anything that needs installing but the
>>  boost
>>  and log4cxx have me completely at a loss.
>>  M.
>>  --
>>  Mark Worsdall
>>  http://www.shadowrobot.com/  need a hand??
>>  _______________________________________________
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>>  ros-users at code.ros.org
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>>Tully Foote
>>Systems Engineer
>>Willow Garage, Inc.
>>tfoote at willowgarage.com
>>(650) 475-2827
>>ros-users mailing list
>>ros-users at code.ros.org
> --
> Mark Worsdall
> http://www.shadowrobot.com/  need a hand??
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Mark Worsdall
http://www.shadowrobot.com/  need a hand??

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