[ros-users] Cross-Compilation Patch

Cedric Pradalier cedric.pradalier at mavt.ethz.ch
Sat Jul 10 07:36:42 UTC 2010

Hello Daniel,

I'm very glad to hear that you're so advanced on the cross-compilation 
question. I am still experimenting and making it work by trial and errors...
Do you thing there would be a chance to setup a package repository with 
the built binaries? I'm running a stripped down ubuntu on my gumstix 
verdex and overo, and having pre-built packages would be a game changer. 
However, for these applications, the deb-packages would have to be 
cleaned up to save a bit of space :)


On 07/10/10 06:36, Daniel Stonier wrote:
> There are already some patches submitted to ros trac covering some of
> these things - while they didn't get in in time for cturtle, hopefully
> they'll be in the next release
> https://code.ros.org/trac/ros/ticket/2803 - sets up rospack for a twopass
> https://code.ros.org/trac/ros/ticket/2805 - sets up genmsg_cpp for a twopass
> https://code.ros.org/trac/ros/ticket/2823 - a fix for a stray test
> that causes a problem in crossing topic_tools
> https://code.ros.org/trac/ros/ticket/2822 - a fix for a find_file in
> cmake that can't find things in a cross in message_filters
> https://code.ros.org/trac/ros/ticket/2821 - find_file again causing
> problems in topic_tools
> https://code.ros.org/trac/ros/ticket/2670 - fix to allow
> rostoolchain.cmake and rosconfig.cmake to exist together
> Your fix for private.cmake I was sure I submitted a few months ago,
> but I can't find it in the trac system - I maintain exactly the same
> patch myself. I'll check it again a bit later to make sure its there.
> I've also got a cross compiled opencv package for embedded systems
> (minus all the gui components) that does what you're doing and a bit
> more:
> svn export http://embedded-control-library.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ecl_vision/opencv_embedded
> ./opencv
> On 9 July 2010 21:55, Cedric Pradalier<cedric.pradalier at mavt.ethz.ch>  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'd like to suggest the 2 micro-patch to help cross-compiling ros.
>> ======== ROS BUILD ========
>> I now use more the rostoolchain.cmake and I really think that's the way
>> forward. Mine looks like that:
>> set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi)
>> set(GUMSTIXTOP [...]/overo-oe)
>> set(GUMSTIXFS [...]/overo-dev)
>> ${GUMSTIXTOP}/tmp/cross/armv7a/bin/arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi-gcc-sysroot)
>> ${GUMSTIXTOP}/tmp/cross/armv7a/bin/arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi-g++-sysroot)
>> The CMAKE_FIND... directives are conflicting with the
>> _rosbuild_add_rostest and _rosbuild_add_pyunit in
>> rosbuild/private.cmake. This can be corrected by applying the following
>> patch:
>> -  find_file(_file_name ${file} ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} /)
>> +  find_file(_file_name "${file}" "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}" /
>> in both function. This will force find_file to ignore the
>> CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH for these functions. This is fine since they seem
>> to be used only to refer to local files.
>> ======== OpenCV ========
>> In OpenCV, the Makefile does not use the toolchain file. I've modified
>> mine as follows. There might cleaner ways to get the same semantic.
>> CMAKE = cmake
>> ifeq (x$(wildcard
>> $(ROS_ROOT)/rostoolchain.cmake),x$(ROS_ROOT)/rostoolchain.cmake)
>>      TOOLCHAIN = -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$(ROS_ROOT)/rostoolchain.cmake
>> endif
>>               -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`rospack find
>> opencv2`/$(INSTALL_DIR) \
>>               ...
>> =========================
>> Next thing is to find a way to generate rospack and rosstack twice, once
>> for host, another for deployment, and to call a different one during
>> compilation and at runtime. Any idea?
>> HTH
>> --
>> Dr. Cedric Pradalier
>> http://www.asl.ethz.ch/people/cedricp
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Dr. Cedric Pradalier

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