[ros-users] Ros on Arm Hanging

Daniel Stonier d.stonier at gmail.com
Mon Jul 12 10:01:58 UTC 2010

On 8 July 2010 23:51, Rob Wheeler <wheeler at willowgarage.com> wrote:

> Just out of curiosity...Is your arm processor running in big-endian or
> little-endian mode?
> -R
> Little endian.

> On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 3:43 AM, Daniel Stonier <d.stonier at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Ok, got waylaid with other jobs for a while, but having a look at it
>> again.
>> Got into it with a debugger, and found it hanging at
>> roslib/include/ros/serialization.h at
>> I've got a backtrace obtained by attaching to the program as soon as it
>> hung - pasted below. I also decided to test doubles in a more serious way on
>> the board.
>> - Remade the srv's with int32 rather than float64 and it ran fine.
>> - Recompiled the entire ros tree and the original float64 program making
>> sure I had the correct use flags for the board (-mfpu=vfp), still failed.
>> - Wrote a similar program passing std_msgs::Float64 back and forth between
>> topics, that worked!
>> ******************************************
>> Backtrace ******************************************
>> 0x0001e378 in
>> ros::serialization::Serializer<double>::write<ros::serialization::OStream> (
>> stream=..., v=304.18260199999997)
>> at /opt/iclebo/ros/core/roslib/include/ros/serialization.h:198
>> warning: Source file is more recent than executable.
>> (gdb) bt
>> #0 0x0001e378 in
>> ros::serialization::Serializer<double>::write<ros::serialization::OStream> (
>> stream=..., v=304.18260199999997)
>> at /opt/iclebo/ros/core/roslib/include/ros/serialization.h:198
>> #1 0x0001dcec in ros::serialization::serialize<double,
>> ros::serialization::OStream> (stream=...,
>> t=@0x48af0) at /opt/iclebo/ros/core/roslib/include/ros/serialization.h:149
>> #2 0x0001ed4c in next<double> (stream=..., m=...)
>> at /opt/iclebo/ros/core/roslib/include/ros/serialization.h:741
>> #3
>> ros::serialization::Serializer<rpc_latency::float_ping_pongResponse_<std::allocator<void>
>> > >::allInOne<ros::serialization::OStream,
>> rpc_latency::float_ping_pongResponse_<std::allocator<void> > const&>
>> (stream=..., m=...)
>> at
>> /opt/iclebo/ycs/ycs_tools/rpc_latency/srv_gen/cpp/include/rpc_latency/float_ping_pong.h:304
>> #4 0x0001eab0 in
>> ros::serialization::Serializer<rpc_latency::float_ping_pongResponse_<std::allocator<void>
>> > >::write<ros::serialization::OStream,
>> rpc_latency::float_ping_pongResponse_<std::allocator<void> > > (stream=...,
>> t=...)
>> at
>> /opt/iclebo/ycs/ycs_tools/rpc_latency/srv_gen/cpp/include/rpc_latency/float_ping_pong.h:307
>> #5 0x0001e2b4 in
>> ros::serialization::serialize<rpc_latency::float_ping_pongResponse_<std::allocator<void>
>> >, ros::serialization::OStream> (stream=..., t=...)
>> at /opt/iclebo/ros/core/roslib/include/ros/serialization.h:149
>> #6 0x0001dae4 in
>> ros::serialization::serializeServiceResponse<rpc_latency::float_ping_pongResponse_<std::allocator<void>
>> > > (ok=true, message=...)
>> at /opt/iclebo/ros/core/roslib/include/ros/serialization.h:831
>> #7 0x0001cd70 in
>> ros::ServiceCallbackHelperT<ros::ServiceSpec<rpc_latency::float_ping_pongRequest_<std::allocator<void>
>> >, rpc_latency::float_ping_pongResponse_<std::allocator<void> > > >::call (
>> this=0x45f20, params=...)
>> at /opt/iclebo/ros/core/roscpp/include/ros/service_callback_helper.h:189
>> #8 0x402336d0 in ros::ServiceCallback::call (this=0x49a10)
>> at /opt/iclebo/ros/core/roscpp/src/libros/service_publication.cpp:123
>> #9 0x40252c28 in ros::CallbackQueue::callOneCB (this=0x3b918, tls=0x48f90)
>> at /opt/iclebo/ros/core/roscpp/src/libros/callback_queue.cpp:360
>> #10 0x4025258c in ros::CallbackQueue::callAvailable (this=0x3b918,
>> timeout=...)
>> at /opt/iclebo/ros/core/roscpp/src/libros/callback_queue.cpp:320
>> On 1 July 2010 14:17, Josh Faust <jfaust at willowgarage.com> wrote:
>>> Are you able to break into it in a debugger to see where it's using cpu?
>>>  Do topics work properly?
>>> Josh
>>> On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 5:46 PM, Daniel Stonier <d.stonier at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> We're trying to get ros running on an armv6 core here and hitting a
>>>> few issues. If anyone has any insight on how to go about tracking down
>>>> the issues that would be great.
>>>> Some general details about the problem:
>>>> It's an armv6 core running a custom gentoo with cturtle. The example
>>>> programs I have to test with are a simple client-server pair. The
>>>> client pings the server with a timestamped rpc service request, the
>>>> server too, timestamps and then sends a response. When the response is
>>>> received by the client, it outputs and terminates.
>>>> So it's pretty simple, no more than a few lines of code in server and
>>>> client (I've added the code below). End result though, the server
>>>> catches the request, at which point both client and server hang and
>>>> server cpu % goes through the roof. Since the code is simple, I'm
>>>> figuring it must be behind the scenes somewhere (maybe in the rosdep
>>>> library builds or system configuration?)  I'm not sure how to track
>>>> down the issue though - anyone have any ideas?
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Daniel.
>>>> ***************************** client.cpp *****************************
>>>> class LatencyClient {
>>>> public:
>>>>    LatencyClient() :
>>>>        client(node.serviceClient< rpc_latency::ping_pong
>>>> >("rpc_latency"))
>>>>    {}
>>>>    /**
>>>>     * Latency benchmarking service request handler. This initiates
>>>> the request and waits
>>>>     * for the response. Handling is done in main().
>>>>     * @return bool - success or failure of the request.
>>>>     */
>>>>    bool ping_pong() {
>>>>        rpc_latency::ping_pong srv;
>>>>        TimeStamp send_stamp;
>>>>        TimeStamp final_stamp;
>>>>        srv.request.ping_time = static_cast<double>(send_stamp.stamp());
>>>>        if ( client.call(srv) ) {
>>>>            final_stamp.stamp();
>>>>            ROS_INFO("Send   Time : %lf", srv.response.pong_time -
>>>> srv.request.ping_time);
>>>>            ROS_INFO("Return Time : %lf",
>>>> static_cast<double>(final_stamp) - srv.response.pong_time);
>>>>            ROS_INFO("Round  Trip : %lf",
>>>> static_cast<double>(final_stamp - send_stamp) );
>>>>            return true;
>>>>        } else {
>>>>            ROS_ERROR("Failed to call service rpc_latency");
>>>>            return false;
>>>>        }
>>>>    }
>>>> private:
>>>>    ros::NodeHandle node;
>>>>    ros::ServiceClient client;
>>>> };
>>>> int main(int argc, char **argv) {
>>>>    ros::init(argc, argv, "rpc_latency_client");
>>>>    LatencyClient latency;
>>>>    latency.ping_pong();
>>>>    return 0;
>>>> }
>>>> ***************************** server.cpp *****************************
>>>> class LatencyServer {
>>>> public:
>>>>    LatencyServer() :
>>>>        service (node.advertiseService("rpc_latency",
>>>> &LatencyServer::ping_pong, this))
>>>>    {}
>>>>    void spin() {
>>>>        ros::spin();
>>>>    }
>>>>    bool ping_pong(rpc_latency::ping_pong::Request  &request,
>>>>                   rpc_latency::ping_pong::Response &response ) {
>>>>        response.pong_time = timestamp.stamp();
>>>>        ROS_INFO("TimeStamp: %lf", static_cast<double>(timestamp) );
>>>>        return true;
>>>>    }
>>>> private:
>>>>    TimeStamp timestamp;
>>>>    ros::NodeHandle node;
>>>>    ros::ServiceServer service;
>>>> };
>>>> int main(int argc, char **argv) {
>>>>    ros::init(argc, argv, "rpc_latency_server");
>>>>    LatencyServer latency_server;
>>>>    latency_server.spin();
>>>>    return 0;
>>>> }
>>>> --
>>>> Phone : +82-10-5400-3296 (010-5400-3296)
>>>> Home: http://snorriheim.dnsdojo.com/
>>>> Yujin Robot: http://www.yujinrobot.com/
>>>> Embedded Control Libraries:
>>>> http://snorriheim.dnsdojo.com/redmine/wiki/ecl
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>> Phone : +82-10-5400-3296 (010-5400-3296)
>> Home: http://snorriheim.dnsdojo.com/
>> Yujin Robot: http://www.yujinrobot.com/
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Phone : +82-10-5400-3296 (010-5400-3296)
Home: http://snorriheim.dnsdojo.com/
Yujin Robot: http://www.yujinrobot.com/
Embedded Control Libraries: http://snorriheim.dnsdojo.com/redmine/wiki/ecl
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