[ros-users] Arm Core Performance

Brian Gerkey gerkey at willowgarage.com
Mon Jul 12 16:46:44 UTC 2010

hi Daniel,

We're interested in supporting ROS on embedded platforms such as the
one you're working with. But we don't do embedded development
ourselves, so it's possible that we're not aware of optimizations that
are especially relevant in that domain.

If you can track down the source of the performance bottleneck, please
let us know and we'll work with you to improve things.


On Thu, Jul 8, 2010 at 7:02 PM, Daniel Stonier <d.stonier at gmail.com> wrote:
> Now that I'm getting some working results, I'm a bit curious about the
> arm performance for ros messaging. I have two test cases running on an
> armv6 core (arm1176jzf-s).
> Topics (time taken from publisher sending a message to subscriber
> callback activating)
>  - intel i5: ~200us
>  - armv6: ~ 20ms
> Services (time taken on a round trip rpc request response passing
> float64 data values)
>  - intel i5: ~2ms
>  - armv6: ~ 190ms
> Can it really be 100x slower? This kernel does not yet have a low
> latency scheduler (kernel premption is not configured, will figure out
> how to do that later) but I thought that would only affect performance
> by a few milliseconds, not tens or hundreds of ms. Is there perhaps
> some critical kernel configuration or something similar I'm missing? I
> guess the next thing to do would be to write a very simple tcp/ip
> client/server pair and test it without ros.
> Regards,
> Daniel.
> --
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