[ros-users] building a map in simulation

nitinDhiman nitinkdhiman at gmail.com
Thu Jul 15 08:44:15 UTC 2010

After abandoning my effort of compiling it successfully in boxturtle and
successfully doing it in Cturtle, first proper visualization of PR2 happened
in Gazebo :)

But there is again something to do. As mentioned in tutorial, rviz shall
start itself as mentioned in tutorial and map_building_demo.launch also says
so. But it is not auto launching!

  <!-- for visualization
  <node pkg="rviz" type="rviz" name="rviz" args="-d $(find

But pr2_gazebo_wg do not have map.vcg file. I tried in trunk_cturtle,
trunk_boxturtle and trunk stacks. Is there any other place where I can
download this file from ?

Following is the output of console:

No handlers could be found for logger "rosout"
[ERROR] 1279178380.044454: This version of tuckarm is deprecated. Use
tuck_arms.py instead. See the wiki at <http://www.ros.org/wiki/pr2_tuckarm>
[rospack] warning: trailing slash found in ROS_PACKAGE_PATH
[INFO] 1279178380.212968: Waiting for controller manager to start
directory [/tmp/gazebo-nitin-0] already exists (previous crash?)
but the owner gazebo server (pid=22380) is not running.
deleting the old information of the directory [/tmp/gazebo-nitin-0]
Unable to read value with key[attenuation] and value[1 0.0 1.0 0.4]
Gazebo successfully initialized
[pr2_gazebo_model-3] process has finished cleanly.
log file:
[ WARN] [6.652000000]: WARNING: gazebo_ros_laser plugin artifically sets
minimum intensity to 101.000000 due to cutoff in hokuyo filters.
[ INFO] [6.652000000]: trigger_mode trigger_mode streaming
[ WARN] [6.652000000]: WARNING: gazebo_ros_laser plugin artifically sets
minimum intensity to 101.000000 due to cutoff in hokuyo filters.
[ INFO] [6.652000000]: starting gazebo_ros_controller_manager plugin in ns:
[ WARN] [6.652000000]: gazebo controller manager plugin is waiting for urdf:
robot_description on the param server.
[ INFO] [6.652000000]: gazebo controller manager got pr2.xml from param
server, parsing it...
[rospack] warning: trailing slash found in ROS_PACKAGE_PATH
[ INFO] [6.652000000]: Callback thread id=0x971397a0
[ INFO] [6.666000000]: Initializing Imu sensor
[ INFO] [6.685000000]: Imu sensor activated
[INFO] 1279178384.821607: Tucking both left and right arm
[rospack] warning: trailing slash found in ROS_PACKAGE_PATH
[ WARN] [8.507000000]: Deprecation Warning: No '/' detected in FilterType,
Please update to 1.2 plugin syntax. 
[ WARN] [8.507000000]: Replaced TransferFunctionFilterDouble with
[ INFO] [8.509000000]: Trajectory:: interpolation type linear
[ INFO] [8.509000000]: LaserScannerTrajController: Periodic Command set.
Duration=1.0000 sec
[ INFO] [8.520000000]: Successfully spawned 
[INFO] 1279178389.745870: Loaded controllers: base_controller,
base_odometry, head_traj_controller, laser_tilt_controller,
torso_controller, r_gripper_controller, l_gripper_controller,
r_arm_controller, l_arm_controller
[INFO] 1279178389.794875: Started controllers: base_controller,
base_odometry, head_traj_controller, laser_tilt_controller,
torso_controller, r_gripper_controller, l_gripper_controller,
r_arm_controller, l_arm_controller
[ INFO] [9.545000000]: Initializing Odom sensor
[ INFO] [9.563000000]: Odom sensor activated
[ INFO] [9.591000000]: Kalman filter initialized with odom measurement
Laser Pose= 2.1465e-07 2.3657e-11 3.88691e-06

Thanks and regards

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