[ros-users] AMCL, Map Server, Stage World file.

Suraj Swami suraj.g.swami at gmail.com
Fri Jun 11 06:42:21 UTC 2010


I am trying to get understand how to use the AMCL package. I am using
simulator stage. And have written a  small node to make the robot move in
the map. But I am not getting right amcl_pose values.

I am not sure if my map_server and stage are well synchronized to have the
map data, resolution and origin.

FILE: map.yaml

image: cave.pgm
resolution: 0.02
origin: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
occupied_thresh: 0.65
free_thresh: 0.196
negate: 0

FILE: MCL.world

define block model
  size3 [0.5 0.5 0.5]
  gui_nose 0

define topurg laser
  range_min 0.0
  range_max 30.0
  fov 360
  samples 720
  # generic model properties
  color "black"
  size [ 0.05 0.05 0.1 ]

define erratic position
  #size3 [0.415 0.392 0.25]
  size3 [0.35 0.35 0.25]
  origin3 [-0.05 0 0 0]
  gui_nose 1
  drive "diff"
  topurg(pose [0.050 0.000 0.000])

define floorplan model
  # sombre, sensible, artistic
  color "gray30"

  # most maps will need a bounding box
  boundary 0

  gui_nose 0
  gui_grid 0
  gui_movemask 0
  gui_outline 0
  gripper_return 0
  fiducial_return 0
  laser_return 1

# set the resolution of the underlying raytrace model in meters
resolution 0.02

interval_sim 1  # simulation timestep in milliseconds
interval_real 1  # real-time interval between simulation updates in

  size [ 675.0 745.0 ]
  center [678.990 293.960]
  rotate [ 0.000 0 ]
  scale 28.806

# load an environment bitmap
  name "willow"
  bitmap "cave.pgm"
  size3 [54.0 58.7 0.5]
  pose [0 0 0]

# throw in a robot
erratic( pose [0 0 0.000] name "era" color "blue")
block( pose [-13.924 25.020 0.000] color "red")

Is there a problem to synchronize the two files or is there any other
parameters that I need to take care of ?

Thank you.

Suraj Swami
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