[ros-users] Correct way to start rosbag play in launch file?

Jeremy Leibs leibs at willowgarage.com
Wed Jun 9 07:13:32 UTC 2010

Yes, this is an oversight in the rosbag package.  The play node should
use the new flags, not the old flags.

I consider this to be a bug and we should have a fix in place for the
next patch release of ROS we push out.

On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 11:59 PM, Patrick Bouffard
<bouffard at eecs.berkeley.edu> wrote:
> In boxturtle I was able to create launch files that were used to
> replay sensor data through algorithms. I would do something like this:
> <node pkg="rosbag" type="rosbag" name="rosbag" args="play -s 10
> --clock /path/to/bagfile.bag" />
> However with cturtle this no longer seems to work. "rosbag" does not
> appear to be a recognized node type of the rosbag package. Instead it
> recognizes type="play", however it seems that the commandline
> arguments are back to the old, "rosplay" style (i.e. for the above the
> options would be '-t 10 -b'). If I do this:
> <node pkg="rosbag" type="play" name="rosbag" args="play -t 10 -b
> /path/to/bagfile.bag" />
> .. it no longer complains about the options but I still get:
> [ INFO] [0.000000000]: Opening /path/to/bagfile.bag
> [ INFO] [0.000000000]: Opening __name:=rosbag
> [FATAL] [0.000000000]: Error opening file: __name:=rosbag
> What is the 'correct' way to start rosbag play with options from
> within a launch file, specifically in cturtle and also in boxturtle,
> if what I had started with above is not advised?
> Thanks,
> Pat
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