[ros-users] communicating with windows

Paul Fitzpatrick paulfitz at liralab.it
Tue Jun 15 20:25:23 UTC 2010

Hi Aaron,

Just to mention that Yarp (one of the alternatives Klaus mentioned) 
recently grew experimental ROS interoperability via support for XML/RPC 
and TCPROS protocols.  It is not super-easy to use yet - messages are 
just binary blobs - but it is efficient and avoids the need for 
bridges.  Yarp is also (as of this weekend) LGPL.  However, YARP's C# 
support is non-native, via SWIG, so ICE is probably a better choice for 
your case if licensing isn't an issue.


On 06/15/2010 02:19 PM, Aaron Solochek wrote:
> Sounds like everyone agrees ICE is the best bet.  I'm going to start
> playing with that.  I appreciate all the code examples I can see.
> Thanks everyone.
> -Aaron
> On 6/15/2010 12:56 PM, Klaus Petersen wrote:
>> I found the ros / ice combination quite ideal. ice works on a very broad
>> range of operating systems (windows, linux, osx etc.) and languages
>> (c++, c#, java etc.). It shares with ros the feature, that it is very
>> easy to use and very quickly to setup (especially if you want to do
>> something simple). As long as ros is not natively cross-platform to
>> windows, this seems a very nice solution to reach from a ros node to
>> windows pcs on the network. I didnt check to many other middlewares
>> though, only ACE, OpenRTM and Yarp (and these are all quite different
>> pairs of shoes as well). Compared to these ice was definitely the
>> easiest and performance-wise strongest choice. At least from my perspective.
>> I will see that I post some example code from my application tomorrow.
>> Klaus
>> Ken Conley さんは書きました:
>>> I would second what Klaus recommends (i.e. find some glue and use it).
>>> To answer your C# question, you can implement the communication layer of
>>> ROS. It will probably take a couple of weeks, though I imagine C# is
>>> harder. Of the other clients, only rospy and roscpp were implemented
>>> from scratch. The rest were implemented on top of roscpp. The hard part
>>> is that you'll have to write a message generator. Our format is simple,
>>> but serializers take time to get right, and the lack of a ROS build
>>> toolchain on Windows will probably make your workflow painful. The wire
>>> protocol itself is very simple and couple be done in a day or so if
>>> you're trying to do something simple.
>>> However, there are a lot of middlewares out there, like ICE, and you
>>> just figure out what can bridge between C# on Windows and C++/Python on
>>> Linux. It will probably save you a lot of time and effort. ROS is more
>>> about the integration of a packaging system, online tools, and coding
>>> community -- not middleware. Until we get a more complete toolchain
>>> running on Windows, you might as well take a shortcut.
>>>   - Ken
>>> On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 9:15 AM, Klaus Petersen<petersen at vftb.com
>>> <mailto:petersen at vftb.com>>  wrote:
>>>      Hi Aaron,
>>>      I have done both, using the python framework to communicate from windows
>>>      c++ with ros nodes on linux, and checked proprietary solutions. I will
>>>      re-post what I think the easiest way is to communicate in the python way
>>>      below. However, in the end I came to prefer to communicate between
>>>      windows and ros using ice (www.zeroc.com<http://www.zeroc.com>) If
>>>      you just need to pass some
>>>      data, this is very easy to set up. Check the documentation, they have
>>>      some examples for basic remote message calling for c# as well. Ice has
>>>      of course a different scope than ros and can not substitute its
>>>      functionality (except if you build your own framework around it), but as
>>>      I said for quickly passing data it is excellent.
>>>      Klaus
>>>      The former post regarding windows / python / vc++ (not c# anyway):
>>>      To receive ros standard messages (Float32 in this example) in vc++
>>>      (thats what I checked it with) I did something like this:
>>>      #undef _DEBUG
>>>      #include<Python.h>
>>>      // the method that gets embedded into python
>>>      static PyObject* ros_indirect_callback(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
>>>      {
>>>             double double_data;
>>>             if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "d",&double_data))
>>>                     return NULL;
>>>             printf("Do something with the data %f here.\n", double_data);
>>>             return Py_BuildValue("i", 0);
>>>      }
>>>      // some data in order to register the method
>>>      static PyMethodDef embedded_methods[] =
>>>      {
>>>             {
>>>                     "ros_indirect_callback",
>>>                     ros_indirect_callback,
>>>                     METH_VARARGS,
>>>                     ""
>>>             },
>>>             {
>>>                     NULL,
>>>                     NULL,
>>>                     0,
>>>                     NULL
>>>             }
>>>      };
>>>      // thread that runs the ros node (gets locked after calling spin())
>>>      void ros_thread::run(void)
>>>      {
>>>             Py_Initialize();
>>>             Py_InitModule("ros_win", embedded_methods);
>>>             PySys_SetArgv(0, argv);
>>>             PyRun_SimpleString("import ros_win\n"
>>>                     "import roslib\n"
>>>                     "import rospy\n"
>>>                     "from std_msgs.msg import Float32" );
>>>             PyRun_SimpleString("def callback(data):\n"
>>>                     "       ros_win.ros_indirect_callback(data.data)\n" );
>>>             PyRun_SimpleString("rospy.init_node('listener',
>>>      anonymous=True)\n"
>>>                     "rospy.Subscriber('chatter', Float32, callback)\n"
>>>                     "rospy.spin()\n" );
>>>      }
>>>      To send messages:
>>>      #undef _DEBUG
>>>      #include<Python.h>
>>>      #include<string>
>>>      #include<boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
>>>      using namespace std;
>>>      void send_double_data(double v)
>>>      {
>>>             Py_Initialize();
>>>             PySys_SetArgv(0, argv);
>>>             string s_str = "str = " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(v);
>>>             PyRun_SimpleString(s_str.c_str());
>>>             PyRun_SimpleString("rospy.loginfo(str)\n"
>>>                     "pub.publish(Float32(str))\n");
>>>      }
>>>      For reference:
>>>      http://www.ros.org/wiki/Windows
>>>      http://docs.python.org/extending/index.html
>>>      http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_42_0/libs/python/doc/index.html
>>>      Aaron Solochek さんは書きました:
>>>       >  Yeah, I've read that.  It addresses getting ROS running on windows,
>>>       >  which is not what I want to do.  I don't need a complete ROS
>>>      environment
>>>       >  on windows.  All I need is to communicate with a ROS network.
>>>       >
>>>       >  My question is whether it will be fairly straight forward to
>>>      emulate a a
>>>       >  very simple ROS node on windows (capable of sending joystick
>>>      commands),
>>>       >  or if that will be complicated enough that I'm better off doing
>>>       >  something proprietary for the windows<->ROS communication link.
>>>       >
>>>       >  To be clear, I'm talking about trying to implement the bare minimum
>>>       >  required to appear as a ROS node to roscore (running on another
>>>      machine)
>>>       >  from scratch in C#.
>>>       >
>>>       >  -Aaron
>>>       >
>>>       >
>>>       >
>>>       >  On 6/14/2010 5:18 PM, Ken Conley wrote:
>>>       >>  This wiki page has all the currently known ways of getting
>>>      running on
>>>       >>  Windows:
>>>       >>
>>>       >>  http://www.ros.org/wiki/Windows
>>>       >>
>>>       >>   - Ken
>>>       >>
>>>       >>  On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 11:18 AM, Aaron Solochek
>>>       >>  <aarons-ros at aberrant.org<mailto:aarons-ros at aberrant.org>
>>>      <mailto:aarons-ros at aberrant.org<mailto:aarons-ros at aberrant.org>>>
>>>      wrote:
>>>       >>
>>>       >>      The system I'm working on uses ROS on the backend for a
>>>      variety of
>>>       >>      control stuff, but has a user interface that is going to be
>>>      written
>>>       >>      in C#.
>>>       >>
>>>       >>      What is the recommended way to get some 2-way communication
>>>      going
>>>       >>      between this windows program and ROS?  Should I make a node
>>>      on the linux
>>>       >>      box that speaks some proprietary thing with the windows
>>>      program, or
>>>       >>      should I try to implement a ROS node in C#?
>>>       >>
>>>       >>      Better yet, has anyone already done something I can use for
>>>      this? :)
>>>       >>
>>>       >>      Any advice would be appreciated, and please copy me on
>>>      replies since I'm
>>>       >>      only getting the daily digest of this list.
>>>       >>
>>>       >>      Thanks,
>>>       >>
>>>       >>      -Aaron
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>>>       >
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