[ros-users] call for testing: camera1394 in C-turtle

von Wichert, Georg Georg.Wichert at siemens.com
Wed Jun 16 20:38:44 UTC 2010

Here is what I did:

Index: dev_camera1394.cpp
--- dev_camera1394.cpp	(revision 30293)
+++ dev_camera1394.cpp	(working copy)
@@ -340,9 +340,9 @@

   if (DC1394_SUCCESS != dc1394_camera_reset(camera_))
-      SafeCleanup();
-      CAM_EXCEPT(camera1394::Exception, "Unable to reset camera.");
-      return -1;
+      //SafeCleanup();
+      //CAM_EXCEPT(camera1394::Exception, "Unable to reset camera.");
+      ROS_WARN("Unable to reset camera.");

   // Enable IEEE1394b mode if the camera and bus support it


-----Original Message-----
From: ros-users-bounces at code.ros.org [mailto:ros-users-bounces at code.ros.org] On Behalf Of Jack O'Quin
Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 10:30 PM
To: ros-users at code.ros.org
Subject: Re: [ros-users] call for testing: camera1394 in C-turtle

On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 3:19 PM, von Wichert, Georg <Georg.Wichert at siemens.com> wrote:
> It just worked with coriander. I did not look into the coriander source, but judging from the observed behaviour coriander does reset the camera only via the mentioned button press.
> Actually at least for this camera it seems to be not neccessary to reset it at the beginning. I patched the camera1394_dev.cpp to simply issue a waring instead of a fatal error and that made the whole thing work. Unfortunately I do not have sufficient experience with other cameras, so I do not know wheter this "fix" would cause problems elsewhere.

I don't have enough experience either, really. But, I think your fix is a good idea. That's what I intended to try when I asked if
camera1394 was failing for those cameras. I expect issuing the warning and continuing to be a safer change than taking out the reset completely.

Since it works for you, please send the patch. I'll try it here for regression testing, then commit the fix. If you don't have a patch handy, just let me know. It's easy to reproduce, I just prefer to start with something known to work.

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