[ros-users] rosstack 32-bit compile issue

Brian Gerkey gerkey at willowgarage.com
Thu Jun 17 20:07:43 UTC 2010

On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 12:50 PM, Jeff Hyams <jeff.hyams at resquared.com> wrote:
> I have been trying to get a 32-bit compile of ros working on a 64-bit
> machine, and I'm having a problem with one library.
> I get the following:
>   /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible
> /home/arm_user/darpa_arm_software_x86/ros/tools/rospack/lib/librosstack.so
> when searching for -lrosstack
>   /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lrosstack
> This implies that for some reason rosstack is not re-compiling with my
> modified -m32 flag (in the ros cmake config files.)
> Is there any reason that rosstack would be compiling without the default
> flags?

Because rosstack is in the rospack package, and when we're building
rospack itself, we don't have a way to find rosbuild, which is where
the default compile flags are found.  So you'd have to modify
rospack/CMakeLists.txt to use different flags for building rospack
and/or rosstack.

Also, you might have a look at this patch, which does a two-pass build
of rospack, once for host and once for target:


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