[ros-users] ROS install error: WARNING: Rosdeps [u'log4cxx', u'boost', u'boost', u'log4cxx'] could not be resolved

Mark Worsdall code.ros.org at wizdom.org.uk
Sun Jun 20 11:47:32 UTC 2010


Some mistakes in last posting, very sorry.

Did the following today:

rm -rf ~/ros ~/.ros
rosinstall -n ~/ros http://ros.org/rosinstalls/latest_base.rosinstall
rosmake --no-rosdep ros
source /home/worsdall/ros/setup.sh
(Also added that to bottom of me bashrc)

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In message <4C1973F9.5080309 at willowgarage.com>, Tully Foote 
<tfoote at willowgarage.com> writes
>Hi Mark,
>This is the right place.
>The problem you are having is that squeeze isn't yet released.  And we
>only have partial coverage of squeeze in our automatic dependency
>installation methods.
>You can finish the install by running with the -n option.  You will then
>need to manually install the listed dependencies.  Then a "rosmake
>--no-rosdep rostest" will get you started.
>After that I would suggest that you manually install the dependencies
>manually checking a package using rosdep depdb or satisfy commands to
>see the errors.  Then use rosmake --no-rosdep to compile after manually
>resolving the dependencies.
>There used to be a way to override the OS detection from the command
>line but that seems to have been lost in the last rewrite.  I've
>ticketed it to be replaced https://code.ros.org/trac/ros/ticket/2814
>On 06/16/2010 06:15 AM, Mark Worsdall wrote:
>> Hi,
>> OS:debian version:squeeze
>> Installing as root (tried as a user, same errors)

Mark Worsdall
http://www.shadowrobot.com/  need a hand??

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