[ros-users] parameter types

Ken Conley kwc at willowgarage.com
Wed Jun 30 20:53:38 UTC 2010

Hi Aaron,

rosparam's arguments are YAML syntax (the shell strips your outer
quotes so they aren't meaningful). There are two ways to override:

$ rosparam set foo/ser2 "'00000303'"
$ rosparam set foo/ser2 '!!str 00000303'

This isn't ideal, but we didn't want to write our own markup language
with its own quirks instead.

hope this helps,

On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 1:47 PM, Aaron Solochek <aarons-ros at aberrant.org> wrote:
> I'm trying to store two serial numbers as ros parameters.  The first,
> 00000292 works in that I can rosparam set it and get the same value.
> The second 00000303 is apparently assumed to be in octal, so when I read
> it I get 195 decimal.
> To be clear:
>> rosparam set /foo/ser1 "00000292"
>> rosparam set /foo/ser2 "00000303"
>> rosparam get /foo/ser1
> 00000292
>> rosparam get /foor/ser2
> 195
> Now if I set them programmatically, I get a different inconsistency.
> n_.setParam("/foo/Ser1", "00000292");
> n_.setParam("/foo/Ser2", "00000303");
>> rosparam get /foo/ser1
> 00000292
>> rosparam get /foo/ser2
> '00000303'
> So my general question is how can I force my parameter to be
>  a certain type?
> -Aaron
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