[ros-users] compressed_image_transport and old bag files

David Feil-Seifer david.feilseifer at gmail.com
Tue Mar 9 03:59:54 UTC 2010

OK, so I made some bag files a while back using the encode node from
image_publisher package that has since been deprecated. These bag
files have these images logged as sensor_msgs/CompressedImage under
the topic /overhead_cam/image_color_compressed

how would I make the image_subscriber tutorial subscribe to this topic
correctly. I currently have the following error messages:

/overhead_cam/image_color_compressed to have datatype/md5sum
[sensor_msgs/Image/060021388200f6f0f447d0fcd9c64743], but our version
has [sensor_msgs/CompressedImage/8f7a12909da2c9d3332d540a0977563f].
Dropping connection.
[ERROR] 1268106882.939315000: Client [/compressed_listener] wants
topic /overhead_cam/image_color_compressed to have datatype/md5sum
[sensor_msgs/Image/060021388200f6f0f447d0fcd9c64743], but our version
has [sensor_msgs/CompressedImage/8f7a12909da2c9d3332d540a0977563f].
Dropping connection.
[ERROR] 1268106910.267165000: Client [/compressed_listener] wants
topic /overhead_cam/image_color_compressed to have datatype/md5sum
[sensor_msgs/Image/060021388200f6f0f447d0fcd9c64743], but our version
has [sensor_msgs/CompressedImage/8f7a12909da2c9d3332d540a0977563f].
Dropping connection.

Do I have to upgrade the bag files in some way?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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