[ros-users] gazebo crashes when trying to run pr2
Josh Faust
jfaust at willowgarage.com
Tue Mar 9 21:00:09 UTC 2010
This is the same issue as
Can you try the patch John sent and see if it works?
John, this exception really needs to be caught and the texture automatically
downres'd. There are a *lot* of cards that do not support textures > 2048
on a side.
On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 10:03 AM, John Hsu <johnhsu at willowgarage.com> wrote:
> Hi Michal,
> this is one issue we have seen quite consistently with ati cards. Can you
> try installing the latest driver from ATI and try again? I don't have the
> hardware to test it here. So far, we have successfully run Gazebo/Ogre
> mostly with nvidia cards/drivers (see
> http://www.ros.org/wiki/simulator_gazebo/SystemRequirements)
> as usual, patches are welcome.
> best,
> John
> On Mar 9, 2010 9:15 AM, <Michal.Stolba at cis.strath.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to run the pr2 simulation in gazebo, but when I run:
> roslaunch gazebo empty_world.launch (which launches gazebo just fine)
> and
> roslaunch pr2_gazebo pr2.launch
> the last command spits out a lot of warnings such as:
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [message_notifier] of
> [follower]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [wavefront] of [2dnav_erratic]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [wavefront] of [2dnav_stage]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [teleop_anti_collision] of
> [2dnav_texas]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [nodelet] of [pcl]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [message_notifier] of [pr2_ik]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [experimental_controllers] of
> [pr2_ik]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [robot_actions] of
> [sbpl_door_planner_action]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [pr2_robot_actions] of
> [sbpl_door_planner_action]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [message_notifier] of
> [sbpl_arm_planner_node]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [robot_voxelizer] of
> [sbpl_arm_planner_node]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [message_notifier] of
> [or_robot_self_filter]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [experimental_controllers] of
> [wheel_odometry_calibration]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [robot_actions] of
> [pr2_laser_tilt_actions]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency
> [approximate_time_synchronizer] of [dp_ptu47_pan_tilt_stage]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency
> [approximate_time_synchronizer] of [dp_ptu47_pan_tilt_stage]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [qpOASES] of [multibooster]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [message_notifier] of
> [people_package]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [deprecated_msgs] of
> [people_package]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [robot_actions] of
> [people_package]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [pr2_robot_actions] of
> [people_package]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [topic_synchronizer] of
> [people_package]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [topic_synchronizer2] of
> [people_package]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [color_calib] of
> [people_package]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [message_sequencing] of
> [people_package]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [person_following_planner] of
> [people_package]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [message_notifier] of
> [leg_detector]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [deprecated_msgs] of
> [leg_detector]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [topic_synchronizer] of
> [leg_detector]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [message_sequencing] of
> [leg_detector]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [message_notifier] of [filter]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [deprecated_msgs] of [filter]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [topic_synchronizer] of
> [filter]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [topic_synchronizer2] of
> [filter]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [message_sequencing] of
> [filter]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [topic_synchronizer] of
> [people_aware_nav]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [robot_actions] of
> [people_aware_nav]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [deprecated_msgs] of [follower]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [robot_actions] of [follower]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [pr2_robot_actions] of
> [follower]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [person_following_planner] of
> [follower]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [message_notifier] of
> [follower]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [wavefront] of [2dnav_erratic]
> [rospack] warning: couldn't find dependency [wavefront] of [2dnav_stage]
> and gazebo crashes with following error:
> BAYER_BGGR8 not supported, using default Ogre::PF_R8G8B8
> BAYER_BGGR8 not supported, using default Ogre::PF_R8G8B8
> [ INFO] 431.963999997: trigger_mode trigger_mode streaming
> terminate called after throwing an instance of
> 'Ogre::RenderingAPIException'
> what(): OGRE EXCEPTION(3:RenderingAPIException): Zero sized texture
> surface on texture high_def_sensor_RttTex face 0 mipmap 0. Probably, the
> GL driver refused to create the texture. in
> GLTexture::_createSurfaceList at OgreGLTexture.cpp (line 405)
> I thought it might be because of bad opengl support, so I had a new card
> installed:
> openGL Renderer: ATI Radeon 9600 Series
> OpenGL Version: 2.1.8087 Release
> But the problem persists.
> What could be wrong? Am I missing some important package? Any hints?
> Thank you very much,
> Michal Stolba
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