[ros-users] Tutorials on simulating PR2 / "high level" tutorials in general

Ken Conley kwc at willowgarage.com
Fri Mar 12 17:23:24 UTC 2010

Hi Stefan,

Thanks for bringing this up. Our policy is that the tutorials for
released stacks should all work with Box Turtle, so the pr2_simulator
tutorials need to be rewritten. I've filed a ticket here for that


Sorry for the confusion,

On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 8:28 AM, Stefan Kohlbrecher
<stefan.kohlbrecher at googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> after a quick fix for Box Turtle involving pr2_simulator (thanks Ken),
> I'm now trying out pr2 + gazebo in simulation. Unfortunately, it seems
> that the tutorials are severly outdated (or I'm doing something
> stupid). I did a fresh Box Turtle install. I can successfully do the
> following:
> "roslaunch gazebo_worlds empty_world.launch"
> -Starts gazebo with empty world, as expected
> "roslaunch pr2_gazebo pr2.launch"
> -Adds pr2 in Gazebo, as expected. Joints are moving into a default
> position. rospack complains about missing [wifi_ddwrt] of [webui], but
> I figure this shouldn't be a problem in simulation.
> Now, I'd like to do something simple like driving the mobile base
> around ( e.g. http://www.ros.org/wiki/pr2_simulator/Tutorials/TeleopBaseControllerPR2InSimulation
> ).
> Step 3 as described in the tutorial doesn't work, because
> pr2_default_controllers does not exist. The info output when launching
> pr2.launch suggests that "base_odometry" and "base_controller" are now
> loaded by default.
> Step 4 also does not work, because "teleop_base" does not exist. I
> searched for "teleop" and found "pr2_teleop" providing
> "teleop_base_keyboard". Launching this, I can now teleoperate the
> mobile base (yay!).
> To make a long story short, I understand that the tutorials can't be
> kept up to date 'automatically', so wouldn't it make sense to at least
> systematically note the last ROS version they were tested with? This
> certainly would help to get an indication how likely one is to succeed
> in using a given tutorial. I haven't succeeded in applying many of
> them with Box Turtle, because quite a lot of the stuff described has
> changed a lot (that, or I'm stupid ;) ).
> regards,
> Stefan
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