[ros-users] how to publish JPEG images with compressed_image_transport ?
Jeremy Leibs
leibs at willowgarage.com
Tue Mar 16 15:12:42 UTC 2010
The axis_camera node in the texas_drivers stack does exactly this.
The relevant snippets (python code, but C++ would be almost identical):
Create the appropriate publishers ("compressed" and "camera_info"
self.pub = rospy.Publisher("axis_camera/compressed", CompressedImage, self)
self.caminfo_pub = rospy.Publisher("axis_camera/camera_info",
CameraInfo, self)
Populate the appropriate messages and publish:
img = fp.read(content_length)
msg = CompressedImage()
msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
msg.format = "jpeg"
msg.data = img
cimsg = CameraInfo()
cimsg.header.stamp = msg.header.stamp
cimsg.width = self.width
cimsg.height = self.height
On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 7:10 AM, Rene Ladan <r.c.ladan at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm writing a node to publish images from the Surveyor stereo camera
> (see http://www.surveyor.com/stereo/ ).
> The camera publishes the images in JPEG format. The logical thing
> would be to somehow feed them to the
> compressed_image_format node (after setting up a handmade header?) to
> publish them. Is there any example
> code which does this?
> Also, if I understand correctly, the subscriber can just subscribe to
> the normal image_transport topic, but needs
> to have extra code to decompress compressed images before using them?
> Thanks,
> Rene
> --
> http://www.rene-ladan.nl/
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