[ros-users] ROS 1.1 Released (Unstable)

Peter Soetens peter at thesourceworks.com
Thu Mar 18 16:31:16 UTC 2010

On Thursday 18 March 2010 04:24:30 Ken Conley wrote:
> ROS 1.1 has been released. This is an **unstable** development release
> to test and develop features for ROS 1.2.
> Please see the release announcement here:
> http://www.ros.org/news/2010/03/ros-11-released-unstable.html
> Change list:
> http://www.ros.org/wiki/ROS/ChangeList/1.1

Dear roscpp developers,

I apologize to mere mortal users for posting this technical mail on a user's 
list, but it's the only list I can post to.

I was planning to write this email somewhere in april, with a patch attached, 
but it seems the fast pace of roscpp development has overtaken me already. 

The main idea of this email is this: To propose an improved message type and 
serialization infrastructure such that ROS, Orocos and any other robotics 
framework or *library* could share the same data types without hand-coding 
conversions. In addition, it would allow to use each other's (visualisation) 
tools and avoid duplication.

In order to accomplish this goal, we came to the conclusion that 2 major 
changes were required to roscpp:

1. Remove the dependency on ROS from the data types, ie allow 3rd party data 
types (like KDL::Frame) be transported over ROS.
2. Provide ROS msg/srv generators to non-ROS transports or robotics 

Fortunately, ROS 1.1 already implements 70% of the changes I wanted to 
propose, ie templated Messages and use of native types in callbacks. I fully 
support this change and applaud it. Great job.

However, there remains some subtleties to be solved to accomplish our 

* ros::Time mapping
The ros::Time class serves three purposes: representing a specific moment in 
time, reading system/simulation time and sleeping until a given time. This 
makes ros::Time not a header-only class, in contrast with all the other 
message types.  This is the only message type that is treated specially.

In order to use messages that contain a time field (or a Header field) in non-
ROS applications, we would need a time object that only represents the specific 
moment in time. Call this for example std_msgs::TimeSpec, which has only two 
fields: uint32_t sec and uint32_t nsec, just like ros::Time. The latter can 
allow (implicit) conversions to and from TimeSpec in order to accomodate 
current practice, but std_msgs::TimeSpec would not know nor include ros::Time.

This change would make all messages in common_msg available to non-ROS 
libraries or frameworks, since there would no longer be a library dependency 
on ROS.

* serialization functions
This has been tackled in the 1.1 release, but still some issues may remain. I 
liked to have ROS types to be serializable with the boost::serialization 
library[1] too. In principle, that library can (de)serialize and introspect 
any type 'Type' for which this *free* function is present:

template<class Archive A>
operator&(Archive& a, Type& value) { /*...*/ }

For example, serializing a struct:

struct Foo {
   uint32_t bar, baz;

Would only require this function present in a header file:

template<class Archive A>
operator&(Archive& a, Foo& value) { 
   uint32_t &bar = value.bar, &baz = value.baz;
   // line below expands to: a & nvp("bar", bar);

Without going into details, the above function allows real-time 
serialization/deserialization of Foo and introspection of the member names.
The Archive class decides if the name ("bar") is serialized or not. An XML-
like serializer would take it into account, a performant network serializer 
wouldn't.  boost::serialization has implemented this function for the stl 
containers. In case of more complex types (sequences) two separate 
save()/load() functions can be implemented instead of operator&().

I wanted to propose to additionally support this serialization interface such 
that other frameworks can read and write the ROS generated types. For example, 
the Orocos 2.0 rt-message queues transport uses this interface to 
marshal/demarshal structs in real-time[2,3]. Also the Orocos scripting 
language will use the same facilities to introspect and modify user types. 
Clearly, the types would also be boost::serializable. The major advantage of 
this API is:
 - Archives have access to the *name* of the struct's element, but can ignore 
it for performance reasons
 - Since it's a templated free function, it is non intrusive and zero-overhead 
if not used.
 - It can be used next to another serialization method, like ROS's own

If such additions are a no-no, it's time for plan B:

* Separate to a different file the struct/type definition from the serialization 

No longer inheriting from Message is a big thing, but it would even be better 
if the generated type definition files did not depend on any ros header. This 
can only be done when the serialization code is in a different file.

This would allow other robotics software libraries to include and use the 
generated headers, without depending on roscpp at link time. I'm not proposing 
(yet) to split of the msgs + generators into a separate package, that's 
another discussion. I'm just aiming now for binary independence - header only 

An Orocos specific serialization generator would then parse the .msg files again  
and generate the required serialization functions for the Orocos type system, 
ie using the boost::serialization API. Maybe ROS could benefit too from this 
separation when different serialization methods of the same struct become 

In case replacing ros::Time is not an option either, the non-ROS generator 
would also need to generate the structs to a ROS-independent format, 
duplicating more of the effort and maintenance.

Similar cases can be made for the srvs API, since also that API can be 
accessed cross-framework.

Since now's the time to give feedback, I had not the luxury of preparing a 
patch, do comparison tests etc. I hope nevertheless that you see the 
advantages of this 'shared data types' goal and consider it when redesigning 
the messages API. A 'patches welcome for X or Y' would already be greatly 


[1] http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_42_0/libs/serialization/doc/index.html
[2] http://github.com/psoetens/orocos-rtt/blob/rtt-2.0-
[3] http://github.com/psoetens/orocos-rtt/blob/rtt-2.0-

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