[ros-users] rosdep no valid packages listed

Ken Conley kwc at willowgarage.com
Mon Mar 22 14:37:49 UTC 2010

Hi Kirila,

How did you install ROS? You may need an updated install to get pr2_gazebo.


On Mar 22, 2010 7:31 AM, "Kirila Adamova" <kirila.adamova at dfki.de> wrote:


I recently started working with ROS. In the beginning I had no problem
using rosdep and installing packages, but now I started getting the
following message:

kiki at kiki-laptop:~/ros$ rosdep install pr2_gazebo
Warning: could not identify ['pr2_gazebo'] as a package
Usage: rosdep [options] <command> <args>
rosdep: error: No Valid Packages listed

Could anybody give me a clue what I am missing here?

Thank you,
Kirila Adamova

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