[ros-users] Question about cmake and SSE optimizations
Radu Bogdan Rusu
rusu at willowgarage.com
Tue Mar 23 18:24:51 UTC 2010
In terms of SSE only, we can safely go to the highest SSE version available.
Brian Gerkey wrote:
> It would be great to see this functionality wrapped up in a single
> CMake macro, something like:
> rosbuild_add_sse_flags(target)
> It would do checks, compute flags, then call
> rosbuild_add_compile_flags(target ...). Of course, this assumes that
> you want the highest / best level of SSE available; I'm not familiar
> enough with these optimizations to know if that's appropriate, or if
> you'd rather have finer-grained control.
> I'd happily add such a macro to rosbuild, for general reuse. Come to
> think of it, this would be a nice module to contribute to CMake
> itself.
> brian.
> On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 11:14 AM, Radu Bogdan Rusu
> <rusu at willowgarage.com> wrote:
>> Great job Rosen! That's exactly what I had in mind.
>> We should add SSE3 and SSE4. Gotta love that dot product :)
>> Cheers,
>> Radu.
>> Rosen Diankov wrote:
>>> i'm pasting cmake code i use for sse checks. it checks for both sse1
>>> and sse2, although similar checks can be used for sse3-5, there's also
>>> a check for msvc
>>> # check for SSE extensions
>>> include(CheckCXXSourceRuns)
>>> set(SSE_FLAGS)
>>> set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS "-msse2")
>>> check_cxx_source_runs("
>>> #include <emmintrin.h>
>>> int main()
>>> {
>>> __m128d a, b;
>>> double vals[2] = {0};
>>> a = _mm_loadu_pd(vals);
>>> b = _mm_add_pd(a,a);
>>> _mm_storeu_pd(vals,b);
>>> return 0;
>>> }"
>>> set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS "-msse")
>>> check_cxx_source_runs("
>>> #include <xmmintrin.h>
>>> int main()
>>> {
>>> __m128 a, b;
>>> float vals[4] = {0};
>>> a = _mm_loadu_ps(vals);
>>> b = a;
>>> b = _mm_add_ps(a,b);
>>> _mm_storeu_ps(vals,b);
>>> return 0;
>>> }"
>>> message(STATUS "Using SSE2 extensions")
>>> set(SSE_FLAGS "-msse2 -mfpmath=sse")
>>> message(STATUS "Using SSE extensions")
>>> set(SSE_FLAGS "-msse -mfpmath=sse")
>>> endif()
>>> add_definitions(${SSE_FLAGS})
>>> elseif(MSVC)
>>> check_cxx_source_runs("
>>> #include <emmintrin.h>
>>> int main()
>>> {
>>> __m128d a, b;
>>> double vals[2] = {0};
>>> a = _mm_loadu_pd(vals);
>>> b = _mm_add_pd(a,a);
>>> _mm_storeu_pd(vals,b);
>>> return 0;
>>> }"
>>> message(STATUS "Using SSE2 extensions")
>>> add_definitions( "/arch:SSE2 /fp:fast -D__SSE__ -D__SSE2__" )
>>> endif()
>>> endif()
>>> 2010/3/24 Jose Gonzalez <de0a100 at gmail.com>:
>>>> Thanks for the comments?
>>>> What about check_cxx_compiler_flag("-msse2" COMPILER_SUPPORT_SSE2)?
>>>> Have you ever tried it?
>>>> On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 12:16 PM, Radu Bogdan Rusu
>>>> <rusu at willowgarage.com> wrote:
>>>>> Depending on what compiler and cpu you use, some of these flags might be already turned on by default. You can check
>>>>> that using:
>>>>> $ gcc -Q -O3 --help=target
>>>>> for example.
>>>>> Other than that, we don't have a proper way to enable/disable different SSE optimizations for now. Most ROS packages
>>>>> cram a add_definitions ("-msse... etc") in their CMakeLists.txt.
>>>>> Patches to make this more standard across multiple platforms and enable/disable SSE1-5 automatically would be great!
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Radu.
>>>>> Jose Gonzalez wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> Doing some experiments in the past with OpenCV (linux/g++) I realized
>>>>>> that there is a significant performance difference between the
>>>>>> versions compiled with autoconf and cmake. Digging in the compilation
>>>>>> scripts I came to the conclusion that the only extra flags that were
>>>>>> added by the autoconf scripts were the SSE optimizations (and openMP).
>>>>>> Talking about the SSE optimizations, I can see how ROS sets the flags
>>>>>> in a similar way. When the detected platform is i686, all the SSE
>>>>>> optimizations are disabled by default (there is a comment "SSE/SSE2
>>>>>> might probably be not available for some old AMD or VIA processors").
>>>>>> Before finding out a solution by myself I'd like to ask the list if
>>>>>> somebody knows a standard way of testing for SSE optimizations in
>>>>>> cmake.
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Jose
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