[ros-users] urdf frame placement

Miguel Prada miguel.register at gmail.com
Thu Mar 25 10:01:36 UTC 2010

Don't worry. Considering this is going to be used at work, we'll probably buy a PC with a proper graphics card.

Thanks anyways.

El 24/03/2010, a las 18:30, Josh Faust escribió:

> I'm not sure how much help I can give unfortunately -- there's nothing obvious going wrong in the log and the card seems to support everything it needs to.  The main difference between your card and mine seems to be the driver version in use (1.4 vs. 2.1), it looks like the newer driver is probably causing problems.
> Josh
> On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 8:17 AM, Miguel Prada <miguel.register at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm on Ubuntu 9.10. If I add a TF display the 3D visualization window freezes, I can no longer move, rotate or zoom the scene. The funny thing is that I can see the frames when I run the turtle_tf example in introduction to tf tutorial (although the frame rate is awful ~1FPS).
> You can find the Ogre.log file attached. I don't know if this makes any sense, but I've also attached the Ogre.log file produced when running rviz in the turtle_tf demo. Just in case it can be of help.
> Best,
> Miguel.
> El 23/03/2010, a las 19:20, Josh Faust escribió:
>> I can recall being able to see the frames once and I've been trying to reproduce what I did, but I don't find out what am I doing differently. Maybe this screenshot gives you some idea (http://www.flickr.com/photos/miguelprada/4456230501/).
>> What OS are you on?  Does anything show up if you add a TF display?  Can you send me the Ogre.log file rviz produced (if there isn't one, try running rviz with "rosrun rviz rviz" and it should show up in your working directory)?
>> Josh
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