[ros-users] compiling calonder_descriptor

Patrick Mihelich mihelich at willowgarage.com
Mon Mar 29 22:05:19 UTC 2010

On my setup, rosdep is able to resolve calonder_descriptor's atlas

$ rosdep depdb calonder_descriptor | grep atlas
<<<< atlas -> libatlas-base-dev libatlas-cpp-0.6-dev >>>>

Apparently rosdep finds the entry in the common stack's rosdep.yaml. How it
gets there from calonder_descriptor is not immediately obvious to me. Tully,
have the rosdep lookup rules changed in recent releases?

BTW, "libatlas-cpp-0.6-dev" is unrelated to the ATLAS linear algebra library
so I've removed it on trunk. But you can use that entry to try:

$ sudo aptitude remove libatlas-cpp-0.6-dev
$ rosdep check calonder_descriptor
Did not detect packages: ['libatlas-cpp-0.6-dev']


On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 5:27 AM, hemanth korrapati <
hemanthkorrapati at gmail.com> wrote:

> I somehow got it to work by installing the packages manually and updating
> some path variables.
> yeah the rosdep is not able to find a way to install these dependencies.
> I am running ubuntu 9.10.  Do I have to repeat the same procedure everytime
> a new dependecy package is required to be installed ?
> Thank You
> On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 9:10 PM, Tully Foote <tfoote at willowgarage.com>wrote:
>> Indeed the header files will be necessary, usually bundled in the dev
>> package.
>> Hemanth,
>> What OS and version are you running?  The error you received says that
>> rosdep cannot resolve how to install atlas for your OS.
>> OSs with currently defined targets include ubuntu, debian, macports and
>> gentoo.
>> Tully
>> 2010/3/23 Adolfo Rodríguez Tsouroukdissian <
>> adolfo.rodriguez at pal-robotics.com>
>>> On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 3:47 PM, hemanth korrapati <
>>> hemanthkorrapati at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Thanks Rene for the reply.
>>>> I installed libatlas on my machine. But still, I am not able to compile
>>>> the calonder_descriptor package.
>>>> Do I need to set some path ?
>>> Not an atlas guru here, but for development you usually need to install
>>> both the binary and the dev versions of a package. Did you do that? (e.g.,
>>> in Ubuntu there exists the libatlas-base-dev package).
>>> HTH,
>>> Adolfo
>>>> Also the calonder_descriptor package does not contain a rosdep.yaml
>>>> file.
>>>> The 'common' stack contains the rosdep.yaml file in which atlas is
>>>> listed as a dependency.
>>>> But I was able to compile the 'common' package successfully.
>>>> On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 2:46 PM, Rene Ladan <r.c.ladan at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>> 2010/3/23 hemanth korrapati <hemanthkorrapati at gmail.com>:
>>>>> > Hi,
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I am trying to compile the calonder_descriptor stack.
>>>>> > I am getting an warning which says,
>>>>> >        Failed to find rosdep atlas for package calonder_descriptor
>>>>> > I dont know if atlas is another ros package but even if so I am not
>>>>> able to
>>>>> > find it.
>>>>> >
>>>>> atlas is not a ROS package but some library for doing mathematics. It
>>>>> should be listed in
>>>>> rosdep.yaml (in calonder_descriptor if it has one, else higher up in
>>>>> the tree).
>>>>> > Subsequently there are many more errors which may actually be the
>>>>> > consequences of the above warning.
>>>>> The errors are indeed consequences of the above warning, cblas.h is a
>>>>> file included in the
>>>>> atlas library.
>>>>> > Any help on this issue ?
>>>>> Try to install the atlas package yourself. If you an compile
>>>>> calonder_descriptor afterwards,
>>>>> try to see if it is missing in rosdep.yaml.
>>>>> Rene
>>>>> >
>>>>> > The output for the 'rosmake calonder_descriptor' command is as
>>>>> follows:
>>>>> >
>>>>> > [ rosmake ] Packages requested are: ['calonder_descriptor']
>>>>> > [ rosmake ] Logging to directory
>>>>> > [ rosmake ] /home/hemanth/.ros/rosmake/rosmake_output-20100323-142700
>>>>> > [ rosmake ] Expanded args ['calonder_descriptor'] to:
>>>>> > ['calonder_descriptor']
>>>>> > [ rosmake ] Checking rosdeps compliance for packages
>>>>> calonder_descriptor.
>>>>> > This may take a few seconds.
>>>>> > Failed to find rosdep atlas for package calonder_descriptor
>>>>> > WARNING: Rosdeps [u'atlas'] could not be resolved
>>>>> > [ rosmake ] rosdep check passed all system dependencies in packages
>>>>> > [ rosmake ] Prebuilding rospack
>>>>> > [ rosmake ] Prebuilding gtest
>>>>> > [ rosmake ] Prebuilding genmsg_cpp
>>>>> > [ rosmake ] [ 2 of 16  Completed ]
>>>>> > [rosmake-0] >>> roslang >>> [ make ]
>>>>> > [rosmake-0] <<< roslang <<<  No Makefile in package roslang
>>>>> >
>>>>> > [ rosmake ] [ 3 of 16  Completed ]
>>>>> > [rosmake-0] >>> roslib >>> [ make ]
>>>>> > [ rosmake ] [ 3 of 16  Completed ]
>>>>> > [rosmake-3] >>> xmlrpcpp >>> [ make ]
>>>>> > [ rosmake ] [ 3 of 16  Completed ]
>>>>> > [rosmake-2] >>> opencv2 >>> [ make ]
>>>>> > [ rosmake ] [ 3 of 16  Completed ]
>>>>> > [rosmake-1] >>> pycrypto >>> [ make ]
>>>>> > [rosmake-1] <<< pycrypto <<< [PASS] [ 0.01 seconds ]
>>>>> > [ rosmake ] [ 4 of 16  Completed ]
>>>>> > [rosmake-1] >>> paramiko >>> [ make ]
>>>>> > [rosmake-2] <<< opencv2 <<< [PASS] [ 0.03 seconds ]
>>>>> > [rosmake-1] <<< paramiko <<< [PASS] [ 0.04 seconds ]
>>>>> > [ rosmake ] [ 5 of 16  Completed ]
>>>>> > [rosmake-2] >>> fast_detector >>> [ make ]
>>>>> > [rosmake-3] <<< xmlrpcpp <<< [PASS] [ 0.48 seconds ]
>>>>> > [rosmake-2] <<< fast_detector <<< [PASS] [ 0.54 seconds ]
>>>>> > [rosmake-0] <<< roslib <<< [PASS] [ 0.87 seconds ]
>>>>> > [ rosmake ] [ rosmake ] [ 9 of 16  Completed ]
>>>>> > [ 9 of 16  Completed ]
>>>>> > [rosmake-2] >>> rospy >>> [ make ][rosmake-0] >>> rosconsole >>> [
>>>>> make ]
>>>>> >
>>>>> > [rosmake-2] <<< rospy <<< [PASS] [ 0.31 seconds ]
>>>>> > [rosmake-0] <<< rosconsole <<< [PASS] [ 0.50 seconds ]
>>>>> > [ rosmake ] [ 11 of 16  Completed ]
>>>>> > [rosmake-0] >>> roscpp >>> [ make ]
>>>>> > [rosmake-0] <<< roscpp <<< [PASS] [ 0.91 seconds ]
>>>>> > [ rosmake ] [ 12 of 16  Completed ]
>>>>> > [rosmake-0] >>> rosout >>> [ make ]
>>>>> > [rosmake-0] <<< rosout <<< [PASS] [ 0.40 seconds ]
>>>>> > [ rosmake ] [ 13 of 16  Completed ]
>>>>> > [rosmake-0] >>> roslaunch >>> [ make ]
>>>>> > [rosmake-0] <<< roslaunch <<<  No Makefile in package roslaunch
>>>>> >
>>>>> > [ rosmake ] [ 14 of 16  Completed ]
>>>>> > [rosmake-0] >>> rostest >>> [ make ]
>>>>> > [rosmake-0] <<< rostest <<< [PASS] [ 0.35 seconds ]
>>>>> > [ rosmake ] [ 15 of 16  Completed ]
>>>>> > [rosmake-0] >>> calonder_descriptor >>> [ make ]
>>>>> > [ rosmake ] Last 40 lines
>>>>> >
>>>>> {-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> >   [rosbuild] Building package calonder_descriptor
>>>>> >   [rosbuild] Including
>>>>> /home/hemanth/ros/ros/core/roscpp/cmake/roscpp.cmake
>>>>> >   [rosbuild] Including
>>>>> /home/hemanth/ros/ros/core/rospy/cmake/rospy.cmake
>>>>> >   -- Configuring done
>>>>> >   -- Generating done
>>>>> >   -- Build files have been written to:
>>>>> > /home/hemanth/ros/stacks/calonder_descriptor/build
>>>>> >   cd build && make -j4
>>>>> >   make[1]: Entering directory
>>>>> > `/home/hemanth/ros/stacks/calonder_descriptor/build'
>>>>> >   make[2]: Entering directory
>>>>> > `/home/hemanth/ros/stacks/calonder_descriptor/build'
>>>>> >   make[3]: Entering directory
>>>>> > `/home/hemanth/ros/stacks/calonder_descriptor/build'
>>>>> >   make[3]: Leaving directory
>>>>> > `/home/hemanth/ros/stacks/calonder_descriptor/build'
>>>>> >   [  0%] Built target rospack_genmsg_libexe
>>>>> >   make[3]: Entering directory
>>>>> > `/home/hemanth/ros/stacks/calonder_descriptor/build'
>>>>> >   make[3]: Leaving directory
>>>>> > `/home/hemanth/ros/stacks/calonder_descriptor/build'
>>>>> >   [  0%] Built target rosbuild_precompile
>>>>> >   make[3]: Entering directory
>>>>> > `/home/hemanth/ros/stacks/calonder_descriptor/build'
>>>>> >   make[3]: Entering directory
>>>>> > `/home/hemanth/ros/stacks/calonder_descriptor/build'
>>>>> >   make[3]: Leaving directory
>>>>> > `/home/hemanth/ros/stacks/calonder_descriptor/build'
>>>>> >   make[3]: Entering directory
>>>>> > `/home/hemanth/ros/stacks/calonder_descriptor/build'
>>>>> >   make[3]: Leaving directory
>>>>> > `/home/hemanth/ros/stacks/calonder_descriptor/build'
>>>>> >   [ 14%] make[3]: Entering directory
>>>>> > `/home/hemanth/ros/stacks/calonder_descriptor/build'
>>>>> >   Building CXX object CMakeFiles/calonder.dir/src/randomized_tree.o
>>>>> >   [ 28%] Building CXX object
>>>>> CMakeFiles/pycalonder.dir/src/randomized_tree.o
>>>>> >
>>>>> /home/hemanth/ros/stacks/calonder_descriptor/src/randomized_tree.cpp:5:19:
>>>>> > error: cblas.h: No such file or directory
>>>>> >
>>>>> /home/hemanth/ros/stacks/calonder_descriptor/src/randomized_tree.cpp:5:19:
>>>>> > error: cblas.h: No such file or directory
>>>>> >   make[3]: *** [CMakeFiles/pycalonder.dir/src/randomized_tree.o]
>>>>> Error 1
>>>>> >   make[3]: Leaving directory
>>>>> > `/home/hemanth/ros/stacks/calonder_descriptor/build'
>>>>> >   make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/pycalonder.dir/all] Error 2
>>>>> >   make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
>>>>> >
>>>>> /home/hemanth/ros/stacks/calonder_descriptor/src/randomized_tree.cpp: In
>>>>> > member function ‘void
>>>>> features::RandomizedTree::compressLeaves(size_t)’:
>>>>> >
>>>>> /home/hemanth/ros/stacks/calonder_descriptor/src/randomized_tree.cpp:218:
>>>>> > error: ‘CblasRowMajor’ was not declared in this scope
>>>>> >
>>>>> /home/hemanth/ros/stacks/calonder_descriptor/src/randomized_tree.cpp:218:
>>>>> > error: ‘CblasNoTrans’ was not declared in this scope
>>>>> >
>>>>> /home/hemanth/ros/stacks/calonder_descriptor/src/randomized_tree.cpp:219:
>>>>> > error: ‘cblas_sgemv’ was not declared in this scope
>>>>> >   make[3]: *** [CMakeFiles/calonder.dir/src/randomized_tree.o] Error
>>>>> 1
>>>>> >   make[3]: Leaving directory
>>>>> > `/home/hemanth/ros/stacks/calonder_descriptor/build'
>>>>> >   make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/calonder.dir/all] Error 2
>>>>> >   make[2]: Leaving directory
>>>>> > `/home/hemanth/ros/stacks/calonder_descriptor/build'
>>>>> >   make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
>>>>> >   make[1]: Leaving directory
>>>>> > `/home/hemanth/ros/stacks/calonder_descriptor/build'
>>>>> >
>>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------}
>>>>> > [ rosmake ] Output from build of package calonder_descriptor written
>>>>> to:
>>>>> > [ rosmake ]
>>>>> >
>>>>> /home/hemanth/.ros/rosmake/rosmake_output-20100323-142700/calonder_descriptor/build_output.log
>>>>> > [rosmake-0] <<< calonder_descriptor <<< [FAIL] [ 1.22 seconds ]
>>>>> > [ rosmake ] Halting due to failure in package calonder_descriptor.
>>>>> > [ rosmake ] Waiting for other threads to complete.
>>>>> > [ rosmake ] Summary output to directory
>>>>> > [ rosmake ] /home/hemanth/.ros/rosmake/rosmake_output-20100323-142700
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Thank You
>>>>> >
>>>>> > --
>>>>> > Hemanth Korrapati,
>>>>> > Doctoral Student,
>>>>> > LASMEA,
>>>>> > Universite Blaise Pascal,
>>>>> > Campus des Cezeaux
>>>>> > 63170 Clermont-Ferrand,
>>>>> > France.
>>>>> > Mobile: +33 (0)650348239
>>>>> > http://hemanth-k.co.in
>>>>> >
>>>>> > _______________________________________________
>>>>> > ros-users mailing list
>>>>> > ros-users at code.ros.org
>>>>> > https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> ros-users mailing list
>>>>> ros-users at code.ros.org
>>>>> https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users
>>>> --
>>>> Hemanth Korrapati,
>>>> Doctoral Student,
>>>> LASMEA,
>>>> Universite Blaise Pascal,
>>>> Campus des Cezeaux
>>>> 63170 Clermont-Ferrand,
>>>> France.
>>>> Mobile: +33 (0)650348239
>>>> http://hemanth-k.co.in
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> ros-users mailing list
>>>> ros-users at code.ros.org
>>>> https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users
>>> --
>>> Adolfo Rodríguez Tsouroukdissian, Ph. D.
>>> Robotics engineer
>>> http://www.pal-robotics.com
>>> Tel. +34.93.414.53.47
>>> Fax.+
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>> --
>> Tully Foote
>> Systems Engineer
>> Willow Garage, Inc.
>> tfoote at willowgarage.com
>> (650) 475-2827
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>> ros-users mailing list
>> ros-users at code.ros.org
>> https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users
> --
> Hemanth Korrapati,
> Doctoral Student,
> Universite Blaise Pascal,
> Campus des Cezeaux
> 63170 Clermont-Ferrand,
> France.
> Mobile: +33 (0)650348239
> http://hemanth-k.co.in
> _______________________________________________
> ros-users mailing list
> ros-users at code.ros.org
> https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users
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