[ros-users] wavefront

Dan Lazewatsky lazewatskyd at cse.wustl.edu
Wed Mar 31 15:13:35 UTC 2010

On 3/30/10 7:55 PM, Eitan Marder-Eppstein wrote:
> Hey Dan,
> A few questions for ya to help figure out what's going on:
> 1) Have you tried using the rxconsole tool to see if any useful 
> information is being output from the system? If so, did you see 
> anything that seemed to be complaining or giving warnings?
rxconsole doesn't show anything that seems too concerning. The worst is 
a bunch of
Costmap2DROS transform timeout. Current time: ...
> 2) What launch files are you running on the erratic? Are they the ones 
> in the 2dnav_erratic package? Or different ones that you created? We 
> used to have an erratic in-house, but we don't anymore and its been 
> awhile since the 2dnav_erratic package has been tested. If you're 
> running with your own configuration, could you post the files so I can 
> take a look at them?
I've attached the launch file and config files I'm using. The config 
files were all setup according to this: 
> 3) Do you see any obstacles in nav_view? On second thought, rviz is a 
> more powerful debugging tool for this kind of stuff. Have you tried 
> using rviz to get useful debugging information (whether obstacles show 
> up, a plan is created, etc)? You can find a tutorial on using rviz 
> with the navigation stack here: 
> http://www.ros.org/wiki/navigation/Tutorials/Using%20rviz%20with%20the%20Navigation%20Stack
nav_view and rviz don't show any obstacles, plan, or really anything but 
the map. If I'm really lucky, rviz will show the amcl particle cloud.
> Ok... take a shot at answering these and we'll see if that gives a bit 
> more insight into what's going on.
> Hope all is well,
> Eitan
> On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 3:57 PM, Dan Lazewatsky 
> <lazewatskyd at cse.wustl.edu <mailto:lazewatskyd at cse.wustl.edu>> wrote:
>     Thanks for the response Eitan -
>     I've created a map, and am trying to get an erratic to navigate in
>     said map using nav_view. I set up the robot according the the nav
>     robot setup tutorial, and when I run nav view I can see the map
>     and set the robot's initial pose, but trying to set the goal
>     doesn't seem to do anything. I get a printout from nav view saying
>     "setting goal: Position(...)" but that's all.
>     -Dan
>     On 3/30/10 4:31 PM, Eitan Marder-Eppstein wrote:
>>     Dan,
>>     The wavefront package has fallen into a bit of disrepair as we
>>     favor our move_base package for autonomous navigation. If you're
>>     looking to run some autonomous navigation demos, check out the
>>     move_base_stage package instead of the 2dnav_stage package. The
>>     2dnav_stage package will probably be removed in the near future
>>     to save people the confusion.
>>     Hope this helps,
>>     Eitan
>>     On Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 12:07 PM, Dan Lazewatsky
>>     <lazewatskyd at cse.wustl.edu <mailto:lazewatskyd at cse.wustl.edu>> wrote:
>>         Hi all - I'm having some trouble using wavefront. When I try
>>         to start it I get this:
>>         robotics at tears$ rosrun wavefront wavefront
>>         terminate called after throwing an instance of 'ros::InvalidNameException'
>>            what():  Using ~ names with NodeHandle methods is not allowed.  If you want to use private names with the NodeHandle interface, construct a NodeHandle using a private name as its namespace.  e.g. ros::NodeHandle nh("~");  nh.getParam("my_private_name"); (name = [~dist_eps])
>>         /home/robotics/ros/ros/bin/rosrun: line 35: 15562 Aborted                 $exepath "$@"
>>         Granted, I don't know what the right way to use wavefront
>>         since the documentation is a bit spotty.
>>         Any ideas would be appreciated.
>>         Thanks,
>>         -Dan
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