[ros-users] How to connect the transform between /robot_base and /map ?

刘明 liu.ming.prc at gmail.com
Wed May 12 11:31:27 UTC 2010

Hi everyone,

When I want to run the move_base as the action server for the test code in:

The launch file of the move_base is:

> <launch>
>         <param name="global_costmap/robot_base_frame" value="/robot_base"/>
>         <param name="global_costmap/global_fram" value="/world"/>
>     <node name="move_base" pkg="move_base" type="move_base" respawn="true">
>     </node>
> </launch>

It keeps popping up the message in rxconsole:

Node: /move_base
Time: 1273663641.651775000
Severity: Warn
Published Topics: /rosout, /cmd_vel, /move_base/current_goal,

Waiting on transform from /robot_base to /map to become available before
running costmap, tf error: Frame id /map does not exist!

Which package defines /map should be the global_frame?
Does anybody have a clue how to fix the problem?

Thanks very much!

Best regards,

Ming Liu
Autonomous Systems Laboratory
ETH Zurich, CLA E 17.2
Tannenstrasse 3
8092, Zurich, Switzerland
Phone: +41 44 632 92 96
Mobile: +41 76 729 50 85
Fax:   +41 44 632 11 81
Liu.Ming.PRC at gmail.com
ming.liu at mavt.ethz.ch
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