[ros-users] ROS 1.1.5 broken --> ROS 1.1.6 Released

Jeremy Leibs leibs at willowgarage.com
Wed May 12 22:07:16 UTC 2010

We apologize for the rapid re-release.

In the process of staging to transition gtest from a package ro a
dosdep, the ROS 1.1.5 release inadvertently included 2 gtest packages,
which broke compilation on many systems.  We have included a couple of
additional bug fixes as well.

As before, ROS 1.1.6 has been released against latest. The ROS 1.1.x
series is an unstable development branch for new feature development,
so it is only recommended that users update if they are already using
the ROS 1.1.x series.


1.1.6 (2010-05-12)
    * Removed extra deprecated gtest package.
    * Fixed rosbag playback of indexed v1.2 bags.
    * Added freebsd rosdep targets.
    * Bugfix for rosemacs (r9465)

 -- your friendly neighborhood ROS team

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