[ros-users] rviz on snow leopard

Christian Schluchter schluchc at ee.ethz.ch
Fri May 14 11:32:26 UTC 2010

Hi everyone

Does anyone know how to run rviz on snow leopard? I followed the instructions on the page http://www.ros.org/wiki/ROS/OSX to install ogre but if I type rosdep install ogre_tools I get following output:

Failed to find rosdep nvidia-cg for package ogre_tools on OS:macports version:macports
ERROR: ABORTING: Rosdeps [u'nvidia-cg'] could not be resolved

If I directly try rosdep install rviz, I get the same for [u'glut']. I installed both glut (OgreSDK_v1.6.5 as framework) and nvidia-cg (Cg-3.0_April2010) manually but it seems like ros doesn't find them.

Any help would be very appreciated, thanks in advance,

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