[ros-users] rosdep cannot resolve bluez
Felix Ruess
felix.ruess at gmail.com
Fri May 7 21:23:41 UTC 2010
Hi again,
I just installed the binaries from the karmic deb packages as well and
tried again.
Changed the environment variables accordingly to use the binaries and
ran another rosmake --pre-clean turtle_tf so it recompiled the
tutorial (installed via rosinstall from
and checked again that it is the latest version)
Still the same result: [turtle_pointer-6] process has died [pid 13283,
exit code -4].
Any ideas?
Cheers, Felix
On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 10:37 PM, Felix Ruess <felix.ruess at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I ran
> rosmake --pre-clean turtle_tf
> hence it also did a make clean on tf, but still the same...
> I installed ros after upgrading to lucid and I'm still on 32bit,
> unfortunately I can't apt-get upgrade my hardware ;-)
> Felix
> 2010/5/7 Lorenz Mösenlechner <moesenle at in.tum.de>:
>> Hi,
>> did you try to recompile tf and all its dependencies?
>> rosmake --pre-clean tf
>> When did you upgrade to lucid? Did you have the ros installation
>> before? Did you maybe change from 32 bit to 64 bit or vice versa?
>> Lorenz
>>> Dejan,
>>> I attached the full backtrace in case this is of any help...
>>> Thanks a lot!
>>> Cheers, Felix
>>> On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 7:49 PM, Felix Ruess <felix.ruess at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > Tully,
>>> >
>>> > thanks for the hint! I did a svn up in joystick_drivers and there now
>>> > it is already added in the dep file :-)
>>> > And yes, that is not the problem causing the segfault.
>>> >
>>> > Dejan,
>>> >
>>> > finally found out how to debug the python program with gdb (removed
>>> > the node from the launch file and ran gdb python seperately).
>>> > here is the trace:
>>> >
>>> > (gdb) run turtle_tf_listener.py __name:=turtle_listener
>>> > Starting program: /usr/bin/python turtle_tf_listener.py __name:=turtle_listener
>>> > [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
>>> > [New Thread 0x25a8b70 (LWP 7159)]
>>> > [New Thread 0x2da9b70 (LWP 7160)]
>>> > [New Thread 0x35b6b70 (LWP 7161)]
>>> > [Thread 0x35b6b70 (LWP 7161) exited]
>>> > [New Thread 0x35b6b70 (LWP 7166)]
>>> > [New Thread 0x3db7b70 (LWP 7170)]
>>> > [New Thread 0x45b8b70 (LWP 7173)]
>>> > [New Thread 0x4db9b70 (LWP 7175)]
>>> > [Thread 0x45b8b70 (LWP 7173) exited]
>>> >
>>> > Program received signal SIGILL, Illegal instruction.
>>> > [Switching to Thread 0x4db9b70 (LWP 7175)]
>>> > 0x0051c203 in ros::TimeBase<ros::Time, ros::Duration>::fromSec
>>> > (obj=<Time at remote 0x89970cc>, rt=0x4db86e0) at
>>> > /home/flixr/ros/ros/core/roslib/include/ros/time.h:129
>>> > 129 T& fromSec(double t) { sec = (uint32_t)floor(t); nsec =
>>> > (uint32_t)round((t-sec) * 1e9); return *static_cast<T*>(this);}
>>> >
>>> > Cheers, Felix
>>> >
>>> > On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 7:10 PM, Tully Foote <tfoote at willowgarage.com> wrote:
>>> >> Felix,
>>> >> I would not expect the bluez error to cause the segfault.
>>> >> To solve the rosdep issue, you need to add an appropriate rule for 10.04 in
>>> >> joystick_drivers rosdep.yaml
>>> >> Add the bluez package name in 10.04 to the below section.
>>> >>
>>> >> bluez:
>>> >> ubuntu:
>>> >> '9.10': bluez
>>> >> '9.04': bluez
>>> >> '8.10': bluez
>>> >> '8.04': bluetooth
>>> >>
>>> >> Tully
>>> >>
>>> >> On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 9:49 AM, Dejan Pangercic <dejan.pangercic at gmail.com>
>>> >> wrote:
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Hi Felix,
>>> >>>
>>> >>> could you try running demo.launch with gdb:
>>> >>>
>>> >>> http://www.ros.org/wiki/roslaunch/Tutorials/Roslaunch%20Nodes%20in%20Valgrind%20or%20GDB
>>> >>> and provide back the backtrace an execution trace?
>>> >>>
>>> >>> cheers, D.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 6:33 PM, Felix Ruess <felix.ruess at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >>> > Hi,
>>> >>> >
>>> >>> > I just tried to install the dependencies for the turtle_tf tutorial via
>>> >>> > rosdep install turtle_tf
>>> >>> > and got the following error:
>>> >>> > Failed to find rosdep bluez for package turtle_tf on OS:ubuntu
>>> >>> > version:10.04
>>> >>> > ERROR: ABORTING: Rosdeps [u'bluez'] could not be resolved
>>> >>> >
>>> >>> > As shown in the output I'm running lucid. Also the bluez package is
>>> >>> > already installed, just rosdep can not resolve it somehow.
>>> >>> > Works perfectly fine on my other (lucid) machine.... any ideas?
>>> >>> >
>>> >>> > Not sure if it is related to that but when I try the tutorial
>>> >>> > $ roslaunch turtle_tf turtle_tf_demo.launch
>>> >>> > it launches and displays the two turtles but then turtle_pointer dies:
>>> >>> > [turtle_pointer-6] process has died [pid 31095, exit code -4].
>>> >>> > The logfile doesn't show any errors.
>>> >>> >
>>> >>> > I would appreciate any pointers in the right direction.
>>> >>> >
>>> >>> > Cheers,
>>> >>> > Felix
>>> >>> > _______________________________________________
>>> >>> > ros-users mailing list
>>> >>> > ros-users at code.ros.org
>>> >>> > https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users
>>> >>> >
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> _______________________________________________
>>> >> ros-users mailing list
>>> >> ros-users at code.ros.org
>>> >> https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >
>>> #0 0x0051c203 in ros::TimeBase<ros::Time, ros::Duration>::fromSec (obj=<Time at remote 0x89970cc>, rt=0x4db86e0) at /home/flixr/ros/ros/core/roslib/include/ros/time.h:129
>>> #1 rostime_converter (obj=<Time at remote 0x89970cc>, rt=0x4db86e0) at /home/flixr/ros/stacks/geometry/tf/src/pytf.cpp:61
>>> #2 0x0051e02d in setTransform (self=
>>> <TransformListener(frame_graph_server=<Service(protocol=<TCPService(direction='b', recv_data_class=<type at remote 0x8954744>, service_class=<type at remote 0x8954e1c>, queue_size=None, buff_size=65536, resolved_name='/turtle_listener/tf_frames') at remote 0x8990bec>, seq=0, service_class=<type at remote 0x8954e1c>, registered=False, uri='rosrpc://fubuntu:33458', handler=<instancemethod at remote 0x88cb144>, done=False, response_class=<type at remote 0x8954aa4>, buff_size=65536, request_class=<type at remote 0x8954744>, resolved_name='/turtle_listener/tf_frames') at remote 0x89903ac>) at remote 0x8990b2c>, args=(<TransformStamped at remote 0x89972fc>, '/turtle1_tf_broadcaster'))
>>> at /home/flixr/ros/stacks/geometry/tf/src/pytf.cpp:348
>>> #3 0x080e0a21 in call_function (f=
>>> Frame 0x89edb8c, for file /home/flixr/ros/stacks/geometry/tf/src/tf/listener.py, line 224, in transformlistener_callback (self=<TransformListenerThread(_Thread__ident=56322928, _Thread__block=<_Condition(_Verbose__verbose=False, _Condition__lock=<thread.lock at remote 0xb7fcfad0>, acquire=<built-in method acquire of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfad0>, _Condition__waiters=[], release=<built-in method release of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfad0>) at remote 0x899056c>, _Thread__name='Thread-4', _Thread__daemonic=True, _Thread__started=<_Event(_Verbose__verbose=False, _Event__flag=True, _Event__cond=<_Condition(_Verbose__verbose=False, _Condition__lock=<thread.lock at remote 0xb7fcfaa0>, acquire=<built-in method acquire of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfaa0>, _Condition__waiters=[], release=<built-in method release of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfaa0>) at remote 0x899074c>) at remote 0x899068c>, _Thread__stderr=<file at remote 0xb7fc00d0>, _Thread__target=None, tl=<TransformListener(
>>> frame...(truncated), throwflag=0) at ../Python/ceval.c:3750
>>> #4 PyEval_EvalFrameEx (f=
>>> Frame 0x89edb8c, for file /home/flixr/ros/stacks/geometry/tf/src/tf/listener.py, line 224, in transformlistener_callback (self=<TransformListenerThread(_Thread__ident=56322928, _Thread__block=<_Condition(_Verbose__verbose=False, _Condition__lock=<thread.lock at remote 0xb7fcfad0>, acquire=<built-in method acquire of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfad0>, _Condition__waiters=[], release=<built-in method release of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfad0>) at remote 0x899056c>, _Thread__name='Thread-4', _Thread__daemonic=True, _Thread__started=<_Event(_Verbose__verbose=False, _Event__flag=True, _Event__cond=<_Condition(_Verbose__verbose=False, _Condition__lock=<thread.lock at remote 0xb7fcfaa0>, acquire=<built-in method acquire of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfaa0>, _Condition__waiters=[], release=<built-in method release of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfaa0>) at remote 0x899074c>) at remote 0x899068c>, _Thread__stderr=<file at remote 0xb7fc00d0>, _Thread__target=None, tl=<TransformListener(
>>> frame...(truncated), throwflag=0) at ../Python/ceval.c:2412
>>> #5 0x080e1bb0 in fast_function (f=warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `(null)' value
>>> warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `(null)' value
>>> warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `(null)' value
>>> warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `(null)' value
>>> Frame 0x89eda14, for file /home/flixr/ros/ros/core/rospy/src/rospy/topics.py, line 551, in _invoke_callback (self=<_SubscriberImpl(dead_connections=[], name='/tf', seq=0, queue_size=None, c_lock=<_RLock(_Verbose__verbose=False, _RLock__owner=None, _RLock__block=<thread.lock at remote 0xb7fcfae0>, _RLock__count=0) at remote 0x89909ac>, ref_count=1, connections=[<TCPROSTransport(direction='i', protocol=<TCPROSSub(direction='i', recv_data_class=<type at remote 0x88ffbbc>, tcp_nodelay=False, queue_size=None, buff_size=65536, resolved_name='/tf') at remote 0x8990dac>, name='/tf', is_latched=False, header={'message_definition': 'geometry_msgs/TransformStamped[] transforms\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: geometry_msgs/TransformStamped\n# This expresses a transform from coordinate frame header.frame_id\n# to the coordinate frame child_frame_id\n#\n# This message is mostly used by the \n# <a href="http://www.ros.org/wiki/tf">tf</a> package. \n# See it\'s docum
>>> e...(truncated), throwflag=0) at ../Python/ceval.c:3836
>>> #6 call_function (f=warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `(null)' value
>>> warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `(null)' value
>>> warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `(null)' value
>>> warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `(null)' value
>>> Frame 0x89eda14, for file /home/flixr/ros/ros/core/rospy/src/rospy/topics.py, line 551, in _invoke_callback (self=<_SubscriberImpl(dead_connections=[], name='/tf', seq=0, queue_size=None, c_lock=<_RLock(_Verbose__verbose=False, _RLock__owner=None, _RLock__block=<thread.lock at remote 0xb7fcfae0>, _RLock__count=0) at remote 0x89909ac>, ref_count=1, connections=[<TCPROSTransport(direction='i', protocol=<TCPROSSub(direction='i', recv_data_class=<type at remote 0x88ffbbc>, tcp_nodelay=False, queue_size=None, buff_size=65536, resolved_name='/tf') at remote 0x8990dac>, name='/tf', is_latched=False, header={'message_definition': 'geometry_msgs/TransformStamped[] transforms\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: geometry_msgs/TransformStamped\n# This expresses a transform from coordinate frame header.frame_id\n# to the coordinate frame child_frame_id\n#\n# This message is mostly used by the \n# <a href="http://www.ros.org/wiki/tf">tf</a> package. \n# See it\'s docum
>>> e...(truncated), throwflag=0) at ../Python/ceval.c:3771
>>> #7 PyEval_EvalFrameEx (f=warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `(null)' value
>>> warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `(null)' value
>>> warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `(null)' value
>>> warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `(null)' value
>>> Frame 0x89eda14, for file /home/flixr/ros/ros/core/rospy/src/rospy/topics.py, line 551, in _invoke_callback (self=<_SubscriberImpl(dead_connections=[], name='/tf', seq=0, queue_size=None, c_lock=<_RLock(_Verbose__verbose=False, _RLock__owner=None, _RLock__block=<thread.lock at remote 0xb7fcfae0>, _RLock__count=0) at remote 0x89909ac>, ref_count=1, connections=[<TCPROSTransport(direction='i', protocol=<TCPROSSub(direction='i', recv_data_class=<type at remote 0x88ffbbc>, tcp_nodelay=False, queue_size=None, buff_size=65536, resolved_name='/tf') at remote 0x8990dac>, name='/tf', is_latched=False, header={'message_definition': 'geometry_msgs/TransformStamped[] transforms\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: geometry_msgs/TransformStamped\n# This expresses a transform from coordinate frame header.frame_id\n# to the coordinate frame child_frame_id\n#\n# This message is mostly used by the \n# <a href="http://www.ros.org/wiki/tf">tf</a> package. \n# See it\'s docum
>>> e...(truncated), throwflag=0) at ../Python/ceval.c:2412
>>> #8 0x080e2807 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (co=0x8655728, globals=
>>> {'mlogwarn': <function at remote 0x85a78ec>, 'chain': <type at remote 0x824af40>, 'is_shutdown': <function at remote 0x85a7e2c>, 'struct': <module at remote 0xb7f9e7ac>, 'valid_name_validator_unresolved': <function at remote 0x85a772c>, 'roslib': <module at remote 0xb7f9e4f4>, 'scoped_name': <function at remote 0x85a7684>, 'add_preshutdown_hook': <function at remote 0x85a7f0c>, 'ROSSerializationException': <type at remote 0x82b99a4>, 'get_ros_namespace': <function at remote 0x832d9cc>, 'parse_rosrpc_uri': <function at remote 0x85a7924>, 'DeadTransport': <type at remote 0x863398c>, 'string': <module at remote 0xb7f9e5b4>, 'VAL': 2, 'serialize_message': <function at remote 0x860e304>, 'resolve_name': <function at remote 0x85a7614>, 'DEFAULT_BUFF_SIZE': 65536, 'is_service': <function at remote 0x85aa10c>, 'is_private': <function at remote 0x832daac>, 'initialize_mappings': <function at remote 0x85a7534>, 'is_initialized': <function at remote 0x85a7d84>, 'canonicalize_name': <function at remote 0x85a73ac>, '
>>> signa...(truncated), locals=0x0, args=0x89eca94, argcount=4, kws=0x89ecaa4, kwcount=0, defs=0x0, defcount=0, closure=0x0) at ../Python/ceval.c:3000
>>> #9 0x080e0c8b in fast_function (f=warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `(null)' value
>>> warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `(null)' value
>>> warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `(null)' value
>>> warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `(null)' value
>>> Frame 0x89ec93c, for file /home/flixr/ros/ros/core/rospy/src/rospy/topics.py, line 568, in receive_callback (self=<_SubscriberImpl(dead_connections=[], name='/tf', seq=0, queue_size=None, c_lock=<_RLock(_Verbose__verbose=False, _RLock__owner=None, _RLock__block=<thread.lock at remote 0xb7fcfae0>, _RLock__count=0) at remote 0x89909ac>, ref_count=1, connections=[<TCPROSTransport(direction='i', protocol=<TCPROSSub(direction='i', recv_data_class=<type at remote 0x88ffbbc>, tcp_nodelay=False, queue_size=None, buff_size=65536, resolved_name='/tf') at remote 0x8990dac>, name='/tf', is_latched=False, header={'message_definition': 'geometry_msgs/TransformStamped[] transforms\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: geometry_msgs/TransformStamped\n# This expresses a transform from coordinate frame header.frame_id\n# to the coordinate frame child_frame_id\n#\n# This message is mostly used by the \n# <a href="http://www.ros.org/wiki/tf">tf</a> package. \n# See it\'s docum
>>> e...(truncated), throwflag=0) at ../Python/ceval.c:3846
>>> #10 call_function (f=warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `(null)' value
>>> warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `(null)' value
>>> warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `(null)' value
>>> warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `(null)' value
>>> Frame 0x89ec93c, for file /home/flixr/ros/ros/core/rospy/src/rospy/topics.py, line 568, in receive_callback (self=<_SubscriberImpl(dead_connections=[], name='/tf', seq=0, queue_size=None, c_lock=<_RLock(_Verbose__verbose=False, _RLock__owner=None, _RLock__block=<thread.lock at remote 0xb7fcfae0>, _RLock__count=0) at remote 0x89909ac>, ref_count=1, connections=[<TCPROSTransport(direction='i', protocol=<TCPROSSub(direction='i', recv_data_class=<type at remote 0x88ffbbc>, tcp_nodelay=False, queue_size=None, buff_size=65536, resolved_name='/tf') at remote 0x8990dac>, name='/tf', is_latched=False, header={'message_definition': 'geometry_msgs/TransformStamped[] transforms\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: geometry_msgs/TransformStamped\n# This expresses a transform from coordinate frame header.frame_id\n# to the coordinate frame child_frame_id\n#\n# This message is mostly used by the \n# <a href="http://www.ros.org/wiki/tf">tf</a> package. \n# See it\'s docum
>>> e...(truncated), throwflag=0) at ../Python/ceval.c:3771
>>> #11 PyEval_EvalFrameEx (f=warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `(null)' value
>>> warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `(null)' value
>>> warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `(null)' value
>>> warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `(null)' value
>>> Frame 0x89ec93c, for file /home/flixr/ros/ros/core/rospy/src/rospy/topics.py, line 568, in receive_callback (self=<_SubscriberImpl(dead_connections=[], name='/tf', seq=0, queue_size=None, c_lock=<_RLock(_Verbose__verbose=False, _RLock__owner=None, _RLock__block=<thread.lock at remote 0xb7fcfae0>, _RLock__count=0) at remote 0x89909ac>, ref_count=1, connections=[<TCPROSTransport(direction='i', protocol=<TCPROSSub(direction='i', recv_data_class=<type at remote 0x88ffbbc>, tcp_nodelay=False, queue_size=None, buff_size=65536, resolved_name='/tf') at remote 0x8990dac>, name='/tf', is_latched=False, header={'message_definition': 'geometry_msgs/TransformStamped[] transforms\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: geometry_msgs/TransformStamped\n# This expresses a transform from coordinate frame header.frame_id\n# to the coordinate frame child_frame_id\n#\n# This message is mostly used by the \n# <a href="http://www.ros.org/wiki/tf">tf</a> package. \n# See it\'s docum
>>> e...(truncated), throwflag=0) at ../Python/ceval.c:2412
>>> #12 0x080e2807 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (co=0x8655770, globals=
>>> {'mlogwarn': <function at remote 0x85a78ec>, 'chain': <type at remote 0x824af40>, 'is_shutdown': <function at remote 0x85a7e2c>, 'struct': <module at remote 0xb7f9e7ac>, 'valid_name_validator_unresolved': <function at remote 0x85a772c>, 'roslib': <module at remote 0xb7f9e4f4>, 'scoped_name': <function at remote 0x85a7684>, 'add_preshutdown_hook': <function at remote 0x85a7f0c>, 'ROSSerializationException': <type at remote 0x82b99a4>, 'get_ros_namespace': <function at remote 0x832d9cc>, 'parse_rosrpc_uri': <function at remote 0x85a7924>, 'DeadTransport': <type at remote 0x863398c>, 'string': <module at remote 0xb7f9e5b4>, 'VAL': 2, 'serialize_message': <function at remote 0x860e304>, 'resolve_name': <function at remote 0x85a7614>, 'DEFAULT_BUFF_SIZE': 65536, 'is_service': <function at remote 0x85aa10c>, 'is_private': <function at remote 0x832daac>, 'initialize_mappings': <function at remote 0x85a7534>, 'is_initialized': <function at remote 0x85a7d84>, 'canonicalize_name': <function at remote 0x85a73ac>, '
>>> signa...(truncated), locals=0x0, args=0x89ebe1c, argcount=2, kws=0x89ebe24, kwcount=0, defs=0x0, defcount=0, closure=0x0) at ../Python/ceval.c:3000
>>> #13 0x080e0c8b in fast_function (f=warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `(null)' value
>>> warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `(null)' value
>>> Frame 0x89ebcd4, for file /home/flixr/ros/ros/core/rospy/src/rospy/tcpros_base.py, line 630, in receive_loop (self=<TCPROSTransport(direction='i', protocol=<TCPROSSub(direction='i', recv_data_class=<type at remote 0x88ffbbc>, tcp_nodelay=False, queue_size=None, buff_size=65536, resolved_name='/tf') at remote 0x8990dac>, name='/tf', is_latched=False, header={'message_definition': 'geometry_msgs/TransformStamped[] transforms\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: geometry_msgs/TransformStamped\n# This expresses a transform from coordinate frame header.frame_id\n# to the coordinate frame child_frame_id\n#\n# This message is mostly used by the \n# <a href="http://www.ros.org/wiki/tf">tf</a> package. \n# See it\'s documentation for more information.\n\nHeader header\nstring child_frame_id # the frame id of the child frame\nTransform transform\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: roslib/Header\n# Standard metada
>>> t...(truncated), throwflag=0) at ../Python/ceval.c:3846
>>> #14 call_function (f=warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `(null)' value
>>> warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `(null)' value
>>> Frame 0x89ebcd4, for file /home/flixr/ros/ros/core/rospy/src/rospy/tcpros_base.py, line 630, in receive_loop (self=<TCPROSTransport(direction='i', protocol=<TCPROSSub(direction='i', recv_data_class=<type at remote 0x88ffbbc>, tcp_nodelay=False, queue_size=None, buff_size=65536, resolved_name='/tf') at remote 0x8990dac>, name='/tf', is_latched=False, header={'message_definition': 'geometry_msgs/TransformStamped[] transforms\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: geometry_msgs/TransformStamped\n# This expresses a transform from coordinate frame header.frame_id\n# to the coordinate frame child_frame_id\n#\n# This message is mostly used by the \n# <a href="http://www.ros.org/wiki/tf">tf</a> package. \n# See it\'s documentation for more information.\n\nHeader header\nstring child_frame_id # the frame id of the child frame\nTransform transform\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: roslib/Header\n# Standard metada
>>> t...(truncated), throwflag=0) at ../Python/ceval.c:3771
>>> #15 PyEval_EvalFrameEx (f=warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `(null)' value
>>> warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `(null)' value
>>> Frame 0x89ebcd4, for file /home/flixr/ros/ros/core/rospy/src/rospy/tcpros_base.py, line 630, in receive_loop (self=<TCPROSTransport(direction='i', protocol=<TCPROSSub(direction='i', recv_data_class=<type at remote 0x88ffbbc>, tcp_nodelay=False, queue_size=None, buff_size=65536, resolved_name='/tf') at remote 0x8990dac>, name='/tf', is_latched=False, header={'message_definition': 'geometry_msgs/TransformStamped[] transforms\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: geometry_msgs/TransformStamped\n# This expresses a transform from coordinate frame header.frame_id\n# to the coordinate frame child_frame_id\n#\n# This message is mostly used by the \n# <a href="http://www.ros.org/wiki/tf">tf</a> package. \n# See it\'s documentation for more information.\n\nHeader header\nstring child_frame_id # the frame id of the child frame\nTransform transform\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: roslib/Header\n# Standard metada
>>> t...(truncated), throwflag=0) at ../Python/ceval.c:2412
>>> #16 0x080e2807 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (co=0x8609b18, globals=warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `(null)' value
>>> warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `(null)' value
>>> warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `(null)' value
>>> warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `(null)' value
>>> warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `(null)' value
>>> warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `(null)' value
>>> {'mlogwarn': <function at remote 0x85a78ec>, 'is_shutdown': <function at remote 0x85a7e2c>, 'struct': <module at remote 0xb7f9e7ac>, 'valid_name_validator_unresolved': <function at remote 0x85a772c>, 'roslib': <module at remote 0xb7f9e4f4>, 'scoped_name': <function at remote 0x85a7684>, 'add_preshutdown_hook': <function at remote 0x85a7f0c>, 'init_tcpros_server': <function at remote 0x8615294>, 'logger': <Logger(name='rospy.tcpros', parent=<Logger(name='rospy', parent=<RootLogger(name='root', parent=None, handlers=[], level=30, disabled=0, propagate=1, filters=[]) at remote 0x850c5ac>, handlers=[<NullHandler(lock=<_RLock(_Verbose__verbose=False, _RLock__owner=None, _RLock__block=<thread.lock at remote 0xb7fcf6a0>, _RLock__count=0) at remote 0x85ab64c>, formatter=None, filters=[], level=0) at remote 0x85ab40c>, <RotatingFileHandler(backupCount=10, stream=<file at remote 0x8918808>, level=0, lock=<_RLock(_Verbose__verbose=False, _RLock__owner=None, _RLock__block=<thread.lock at remote 0xb7fcfa50>, _RLock__coun
>>> t...(truncated), locals=0x0, args=0x88ce7f8, argcount=2, kws=0x8518790, kwcount=0, defs=0x0, defcount=0, closure=0x0) at ../Python/ceval.c:3000
>>> #17 0x0816b38f in function_call (func=<function at remote 0x86158b4>, arg=warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `(null)' value
>>> warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `(null)' value
>>> (<TCPROSTransport(direction='i', protocol=<TCPROSSub(direction='i', recv_data_class=<type at remote 0x88ffbbc>, tcp_nodelay=False, queue_size=None, buff_size=65536, resolved_name='/tf') at remote 0x8990dac>, name='/tf', is_latched=False, header={'message_definition': 'geometry_msgs/TransformStamped[] transforms\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: geometry_msgs/TransformStamped\n# This expresses a transform from coordinate frame header.frame_id\n# to the coordinate frame child_frame_id\n#\n# This message is mostly used by the \n# <a href="http://www.ros.org/wiki/tf">tf</a> package. \n# See it\'s documentation for more information.\n\nHeader header\nstring child_frame_id # the frame id of the child frame\nTransform transform\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: roslib/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particu
>>> l...(truncated), kw={}) at ../Objects/funcobject.c:524
>>> #18 0x0806245a in PyObject_Call (func=<function at remote 0x86158b4>, arg=warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `(null)' value
>>> warning: can't find linker symbol for virtual table for `(null)' value
>>> (<TCPROSTransport(direction='i', protocol=<TCPROSSub(direction='i', recv_data_class=<type at remote 0x88ffbbc>, tcp_nodelay=False, queue_size=None, buff_size=65536, resolved_name='/tf') at remote 0x8990dac>, name='/tf', is_latched=False, header={'message_definition': 'geometry_msgs/TransformStamped[] transforms\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: geometry_msgs/TransformStamped\n# This expresses a transform from coordinate frame header.frame_id\n# to the coordinate frame child_frame_id\n#\n# This message is mostly used by the \n# <a href="http://www.ros.org/wiki/tf">tf</a> package. \n# See it\'s documentation for more information.\n\nHeader header\nstring child_frame_id # the frame id of the child frame\nTransform transform\n\n================================================================================\nMSG: roslib/Header\n# Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.\n# This is generally used to communicate timestamped data \n# in a particu
>>> l...(truncated), kw={}) at ../Objects/abstract.c:2492
>>> #19 0x080dfad1 in ext_do_call (f=
>>> Frame 0x89888d4, for file /usr/lib/python2.6/threading.py, line 484, in run (self=<Thread(_Thread__ident=81501040, _Thread__block=<_Condition(_Verbose__verbose=False, _Condition__lock=<thread.lock at remote 0xb7fcfb10>, acquire=<built-in method acquire of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb10>, _Condition__waiters=[], release=<built-in method release of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb10>) at remote 0x89982cc>, _Thread__name='/tf', _Thread__daemonic=True, _Thread__started=<_Event(_Verbose__verbose=False, _Event__flag=True, _Event__cond=<_Condition(_Verbose__verbose=False, _Condition__lock=<thread.lock at remote 0xb7fcfb00>, acquire=<built-in method acquire of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb00>, _Condition__waiters=[], release=<built-in method release of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb00>) at remote 0x899826c>) at remote 0x899040c>, _Thread__stderr=<file at remote 0xb7fc00d0>, _Thread__target=<instancemethod at remote 0x88c5f2c>, _Thread__kwargs={}, _Verbose__verbose=False, _Thread__arg
>>> s=(<i...(truncated), throwflag=0) at ../Python/ceval.c:4063
>>> #20 PyEval_EvalFrameEx (f=
>>> Frame 0x89888d4, for file /usr/lib/python2.6/threading.py, line 484, in run (self=<Thread(_Thread__ident=81501040, _Thread__block=<_Condition(_Verbose__verbose=False, _Condition__lock=<thread.lock at remote 0xb7fcfb10>, acquire=<built-in method acquire of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb10>, _Condition__waiters=[], release=<built-in method release of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb10>) at remote 0x89982cc>, _Thread__name='/tf', _Thread__daemonic=True, _Thread__started=<_Event(_Verbose__verbose=False, _Event__flag=True, _Event__cond=<_Condition(_Verbose__verbose=False, _Condition__lock=<thread.lock at remote 0xb7fcfb00>, acquire=<built-in method acquire of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb00>, _Condition__waiters=[], release=<built-in method release of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb00>) at remote 0x899826c>) at remote 0x899040c>, _Thread__stderr=<file at remote 0xb7fc00d0>, _Thread__target=<instancemethod at remote 0x88c5f2c>, _Thread__kwargs={}, _Verbose__verbose=False, _Thread__arg
>>> s=(<i...(truncated), throwflag=0) at ../Python/ceval.c:2452
>>> #21 0x080e1bb0 in fast_function (f=
>>> Frame 0x89ebb2c, for file /usr/lib/python2.6/threading.py, line 532, in __bootstrap_inner (self=<Thread(_Thread__ident=81501040, _Thread__block=<_Condition(_Verbose__verbose=False, _Condition__lock=<thread.lock at remote 0xb7fcfb10>, acquire=<built-in method acquire of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb10>, _Condition__waiters=[], release=<built-in method release of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb10>) at remote 0x89982cc>, _Thread__name='/tf', _Thread__daemonic=True, _Thread__started=<_Event(_Verbose__verbose=False, _Event__flag=True, _Event__cond=<_Condition(_Verbose__verbose=False, _Condition__lock=<thread.lock at remote 0xb7fcfb00>, acquire=<built-in method acquire of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb00>, _Condition__waiters=[], release=<built-in method release of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb00>) at remote 0x899826c>) at remote 0x899040c>, _Thread__stderr=<file at remote 0xb7fc00d0>, _Thread__target=<instancemethod at remote 0x88c5f2c>, _Thread__kwargs={}, _Verbose__verbose=False
>>> , _Th...(truncated), throwflag=0) at ../Python/ceval.c:3836
>>> #22 call_function (f=
>>> Frame 0x89ebb2c, for file /usr/lib/python2.6/threading.py, line 532, in __bootstrap_inner (self=<Thread(_Thread__ident=81501040, _Thread__block=<_Condition(_Verbose__verbose=False, _Condition__lock=<thread.lock at remote 0xb7fcfb10>, acquire=<built-in method acquire of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb10>, _Condition__waiters=[], release=<built-in method release of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb10>) at remote 0x89982cc>, _Thread__name='/tf', _Thread__daemonic=True, _Thread__started=<_Event(_Verbose__verbose=False, _Event__flag=True, _Event__cond=<_Condition(_Verbose__verbose=False, _Condition__lock=<thread.lock at remote 0xb7fcfb00>, acquire=<built-in method acquire of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb00>, _Condition__waiters=[], release=<built-in method release of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb00>) at remote 0x899826c>) at remote 0x899040c>, _Thread__stderr=<file at remote 0xb7fc00d0>, _Thread__target=<instancemethod at remote 0x88c5f2c>, _Thread__kwargs={}, _Verbose__verbose=False
>>> , _Th...(truncated), throwflag=0) at ../Python/ceval.c:3771
>>> #23 PyEval_EvalFrameEx (f=
>>> Frame 0x89ebb2c, for file /usr/lib/python2.6/threading.py, line 532, in __bootstrap_inner (self=<Thread(_Thread__ident=81501040, _Thread__block=<_Condition(_Verbose__verbose=False, _Condition__lock=<thread.lock at remote 0xb7fcfb10>, acquire=<built-in method acquire of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb10>, _Condition__waiters=[], release=<built-in method release of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb10>) at remote 0x89982cc>, _Thread__name='/tf', _Thread__daemonic=True, _Thread__started=<_Event(_Verbose__verbose=False, _Event__flag=True, _Event__cond=<_Condition(_Verbose__verbose=False, _Condition__lock=<thread.lock at remote 0xb7fcfb00>, acquire=<built-in method acquire of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb00>, _Condition__waiters=[], release=<built-in method release of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb00>) at remote 0x899826c>) at remote 0x899040c>, _Thread__stderr=<file at remote 0xb7fc00d0>, _Thread__target=<instancemethod at remote 0x88c5f2c>, _Thread__kwargs={}, _Verbose__verbose=False
>>> , _Th...(truncated), throwflag=0) at ../Python/ceval.c:2412
>>> #24 0x080e1bb0 in fast_function (f=
>>> Frame 0x89d95dc, for file /usr/lib/python2.6/threading.py, line 504, in __bootstrap (self=<Thread(_Thread__ident=81501040, _Thread__block=<_Condition(_Verbose__verbose=False, _Condition__lock=<thread.lock at remote 0xb7fcfb10>, acquire=<built-in method acquire of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb10>, _Condition__waiters=[], release=<built-in method release of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb10>) at remote 0x89982cc>, _Thread__name='/tf', _Thread__daemonic=True, _Thread__started=<_Event(_Verbose__verbose=False, _Event__flag=True, _Event__cond=<_Condition(_Verbose__verbose=False, _Condition__lock=<thread.lock at remote 0xb7fcfb00>, acquire=<built-in method acquire of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb00>, _Condition__waiters=[], release=<built-in method release of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb00>) at remote 0x899826c>) at remote 0x899040c>, _Thread__stderr=<file at remote 0xb7fc00d0>, _Thread__target=<instancemethod at remote 0x88c5f2c>, _Thread__kwargs={}, _Verbose__verbose=False, _Thr
>>> ead__...(truncated), throwflag=0) at ../Python/ceval.c:3836
>>> #25 call_function (f=
>>> Frame 0x89d95dc, for file /usr/lib/python2.6/threading.py, line 504, in __bootstrap (self=<Thread(_Thread__ident=81501040, _Thread__block=<_Condition(_Verbose__verbose=False, _Condition__lock=<thread.lock at remote 0xb7fcfb10>, acquire=<built-in method acquire of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb10>, _Condition__waiters=[], release=<built-in method release of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb10>) at remote 0x89982cc>, _Thread__name='/tf', _Thread__daemonic=True, _Thread__started=<_Event(_Verbose__verbose=False, _Event__flag=True, _Event__cond=<_Condition(_Verbose__verbose=False, _Condition__lock=<thread.lock at remote 0xb7fcfb00>, acquire=<built-in method acquire of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb00>, _Condition__waiters=[], release=<built-in method release of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb00>) at remote 0x899826c>) at remote 0x899040c>, _Thread__stderr=<file at remote 0xb7fc00d0>, _Thread__target=<instancemethod at remote 0x88c5f2c>, _Thread__kwargs={}, _Verbose__verbose=False, _Thr
>>> ead__...(truncated), throwflag=0) at ../Python/ceval.c:3771
>>> #26 PyEval_EvalFrameEx (f=
>>> Frame 0x89d95dc, for file /usr/lib/python2.6/threading.py, line 504, in __bootstrap (self=<Thread(_Thread__ident=81501040, _Thread__block=<_Condition(_Verbose__verbose=False, _Condition__lock=<thread.lock at remote 0xb7fcfb10>, acquire=<built-in method acquire of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb10>, _Condition__waiters=[], release=<built-in method release of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb10>) at remote 0x89982cc>, _Thread__name='/tf', _Thread__daemonic=True, _Thread__started=<_Event(_Verbose__verbose=False, _Event__flag=True, _Event__cond=<_Condition(_Verbose__verbose=False, _Condition__lock=<thread.lock at remote 0xb7fcfb00>, acquire=<built-in method acquire of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb00>, _Condition__waiters=[], release=<built-in method release of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb00>) at remote 0x899826c>) at remote 0x899040c>, _Thread__stderr=<file at remote 0xb7fc00d0>, _Thread__target=<instancemethod at remote 0x88c5f2c>, _Thread__kwargs={}, _Verbose__verbose=False, _Thr
>>> ead__...(truncated), throwflag=0) at ../Python/ceval.c:2412
>>> #27 0x080e2807 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (co=0x8537800, globals=
>>> {'current_thread': <function at remote 0x85505a4>, '_BoundedSemaphore': <type at remote 0x852b34c>, 'currentThread': <function at remote 0x85505a4>, '_Timer': <type at remote 0x852e184>, '_format_exc': <function at remote 0x8319f0c>, 'Semaphore': <function at remote 0x854d95c>, 'activeCount': <function at remote 0x8550684>, '_profile_hook': None, '_sleep': <built-in function sleep>, '_trace_hook': None, 'ThreadError': <type at remote 0x83639cc>, '_enumerate': <function at remote 0x85506bc>, '_start_new_thread': <built-in function start_new_thread>, 'wraps': <function at remote 0x854d534>, 'BoundedSemaphore': <function at remote 0x854dbc4>, '_shutdown': <instancemethod at remote 0x84ef84c>, '__all__': ['activeCount', 'active_count', 'Condition', 'currentThread', 'current_thread', 'enumerate', 'Event', 'Lock', 'RLock', 'Semaphore', 'BoundedSemaphore', 'Thread', 'Timer', 'setprofile', 'settrace', 'local', 'stack_size'], '_Event': <type at remote 0x852dee4>, 'active_count': <function at remote 0x8550684>, '_
>>> _pack...(truncated), locals=0x0, args=0x8934298, argcount=1, kws=0x0, kwcount=0, defs=0x0, defcount=0, closure=0x0) at ../Python/ceval.c:3000
>>> #28 0x0816b2ac in function_call (func=<function at remote 0x855009c>, arg=
>>> (<Thread(_Thread__ident=81501040, _Thread__block=<_Condition(_Verbose__verbose=False, _Condition__lock=<thread.lock at remote 0xb7fcfb10>, acquire=<built-in method acquire of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb10>, _Condition__waiters=[], release=<built-in method release of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb10>) at remote 0x89982cc>, _Thread__name='/tf', _Thread__daemonic=True, _Thread__started=<_Event(_Verbose__verbose=False, _Event__flag=True, _Event__cond=<_Condition(_Verbose__verbose=False, _Condition__lock=<thread.lock at remote 0xb7fcfb00>, acquire=<built-in method acquire of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb00>, _Condition__waiters=[], release=<built-in method release of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb00>) at remote 0x899826c>) at remote 0x899040c>, _Thread__stderr=<file at remote 0xb7fc00d0>, _Thread__target=<instancemethod at remote 0x88c5f2c>, _Thread__kwargs={}, _Verbose__verbose=False, _Thread__args=(<instancemethod at remote 0x88cb054>,), _Thread__stopped=False, _Thread__initi
>>> alize...(truncated), kw=0x0) at ../Objects/funcobject.c:524
>>> #29 0x0806245a in PyObject_Call (func=<function at remote 0x855009c>, arg=
>>> (<Thread(_Thread__ident=81501040, _Thread__block=<_Condition(_Verbose__verbose=False, _Condition__lock=<thread.lock at remote 0xb7fcfb10>, acquire=<built-in method acquire of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb10>, _Condition__waiters=[], release=<built-in method release of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb10>) at remote 0x89982cc>, _Thread__name='/tf', _Thread__daemonic=True, _Thread__started=<_Event(_Verbose__verbose=False, _Event__flag=True, _Event__cond=<_Condition(_Verbose__verbose=False, _Condition__lock=<thread.lock at remote 0xb7fcfb00>, acquire=<built-in method acquire of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb00>, _Condition__waiters=[], release=<built-in method release of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb00>) at remote 0x899826c>) at remote 0x899040c>, _Thread__stderr=<file at remote 0xb7fc00d0>, _Thread__target=<instancemethod at remote 0x88c5f2c>, _Thread__kwargs={}, _Verbose__verbose=False, _Thread__args=(<instancemethod at remote 0x88cb054>,), _Thread__stopped=False, _Thread__initi
>>> alize...(truncated), kw=0x0) at ../Objects/abstract.c:2492
>>> #30 0x0806a45c in instancemethod_call (func=<instancemethod at remote 0x899711c>, arg=
>>> (<Thread(_Thread__ident=81501040, _Thread__block=<_Condition(_Verbose__verbose=False, _Condition__lock=<thread.lock at remote 0xb7fcfb10>, acquire=<built-in method acquire of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb10>, _Condition__waiters=[], release=<built-in method release of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb10>) at remote 0x89982cc>, _Thread__name='/tf', _Thread__daemonic=True, _Thread__started=<_Event(_Verbose__verbose=False, _Event__flag=True, _Event__cond=<_Condition(_Verbose__verbose=False, _Condition__lock=<thread.lock at remote 0xb7fcfb00>, acquire=<built-in method acquire of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb00>, _Condition__waiters=[], release=<built-in method release of thread.lock object at remote 0xb7fcfb00>) at remote 0x899826c>) at remote 0x899040c>, _Thread__stderr=<file at remote 0xb7fc00d0>, _Thread__target=<instancemethod at remote 0x88c5f2c>, _Thread__kwargs={}, _Verbose__verbose=False, _Thread__args=(<instancemethod at remote 0x88cb054>,), _Thread__stopped=False, _Thread__initi
>>> alize...(truncated), kw=0x0) at ../Objects/classobject.c:2579
>>> #31 0x0806245a in PyObject_Call (func=<instancemethod at remote 0x899711c>, arg=(), kw=0x0) at ../Objects/abstract.c:2492
>>> #32 0x080db892 in PyEval_CallObjectWithKeywords (func=<instancemethod at remote 0x899711c>, arg=(), kw=0x0) at ../Python/ceval.c:3619
>>> #33 0x0810e398 in t_bootstrap (boot_raw=0x89eba68) at ../Modules/threadmodule.c:425
>>> #34 0x0013396e in start_thread () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libpthread.so.0
>>> #35 0x003efa0e in clone () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.6
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>> Lorenz Mösenlechner | moesenle at in.tum.de
>> Technische Universität München | Boltzmannstr. 3
>> 85748 Garching bei München | Germany
>> http://ias.cs.tum.edu/ | Tel: +49 (89) 289-17750
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