[ros-users] cvbridge conversion failure
Cedric Pradalier
cedric.pradalier at mavt.ethz.ch
Thu May 20 06:33:19 UTC 2010
On 05/20/2010 04:09 AM, Chriss Lei wrote:
> Hello.
> I'm subscribing to three topics and trying to extract image part of
> DisparityImageConstPtr message and convert it to IplImage.
> Here's the callback function I'm using.
> void callback(const sensor_msgs::CameraInfo::ConstPtr& info,
> const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& left,
> const stereo_msgs::DisparityImageConstPtr& disparity_msg)
> {
> K_intrinsic[0] = info->K[0];
> ROS_INFO("fx [%f]", K_intrinsic[0]);
> cerr << "f: " << disparity_msg->f << " , T: " <<
> disparity_msg->T << endl;
> IplImage* im_left = bridge[1].imgMsgToCv(left, "passthrough");
> //const sensor_msgs::Image& disp = (disparity_msg->image);
> //const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& dispPtr = disp;
> IplImage* dispImg = bridge[2].imgMsgToCv(disparity_msg->image,
> "passthrough");
> cvShowImage("left", im_left);
> }
> Subscribing works fine (I can see the rectified image displayed) but
> I'm having a difficult time extracting the image member of the
> DisparityImageConstPtr message.
> I have to following error:
> /home/lei/ros/stacks/poseEstimation/src/vizDepthMap.cpp:79: error: no
> matching function for call to ‘sensor_msgs::CvBridge::imgMsgToCv(const
> sensor_msgs::Image&, const char [12])’
> /home/lei/ros/stacks/vision_opencv/cv_bridge/include/cv_bridge/CvBridge.h:424:
> note: candidates are: IplImage*
> sensor_msgs::CvBridge::imgMsgToCv(boost::shared_ptr<const
> sensor_msgs::Image>, std::string)
> It seems like there's an error from cvbridge expecting ImageConstPtr
> as input but I'm supplying Image type.
> Is there a way to extract and convert the disparity image from the
> DisparityImageConstPtr message?
It looks to me, you should just replace:
IplImage* dispImg = bridge[2].imgMsgToCv(disparity_msg->image,
IplImage* dispImg =
bridge[2].imgMsgToCv(&(disparity_msg->image), "passthrough");
and let boost::shared_ptr do its magic.
Or, is there something more subtle I just missed?
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