[ros-users] Issues with rviz

Jan Elseberg j.elseberg at jacobs-university.de
Thu May 20 15:28:23 UTC 2010

Hi Eitan,

I've attached the results of view_frames. I have also tried the other 
stuff on the troubleshooting guide. Transformations between the laser 
frame and every other frame work fine. Across the longest tf-chain 
(/front_laser to /map) the average delay is approx 25ms and the maximal 
delay is approx. 55ms. From this it appears to me that the tf-tree is 
correctly set up, but maybe there is something else I can check?


Jan Elseberg      

Eitan Marder-Eppstein wrote:
> Jan,
> It sounds like something may be wrong with your transform tree. Can 
> you try running "rosrun tf view_frames"? This will generate a PDF of 
> the current transform tree structure. You may also want to check the 
> troubleshooting link on the sidebar of this page: http://www 
> .ros.org/wiki/tf <http://ros.org/wiki/tf> for more information on 
> useful tf debugging strategies.
> Hope this helps,
> Eitan
>> On May 20, 2010 3:38 AM, "Jan Elseberg" 
>> <j.elseberg at jacobs-university.de 
>> <mailto:j.elseberg at jacobs-university.de>> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I am trying to get our robot to work with the navigation stack of ros.
>> I've been following the tutorial on
>> http://www.ros.org/wiki/navigation/Tutorials/RobotSetup . After setting
>> up the robot with a tf-tree and sensor nodes , I have noticed a problem
>> with rviz. I am unable to display the laserscan messages in any frame
>> other than the laser coordinate system itself, i.e., whenever I select a
>> <Fixed_Frame> other than /front_laser the status of the laser scan
>> display shows the error:
>> "Unknown reason for transform failure".
>> Also, this warning appears in the bash:
>> [WARN] 1274341043.701801000: MessageFilter [target=/base_link ]: Dropped
>> 99.03% of messages so far. Please turn the [ros.rviz.message_notifier]
>> rosconsole logger to DEBUG for more information.
>> Doing so gives me these repeating debug messages:
>> MessageFilter [target=/base_link ]: Added message in frame /front_laser
>> at time 1274341252.994, count now 10
>> MessageFilter [target=/base_link ]: Removed oldest message because
>> buffer is full, count now 10 (frame_id=/front_laser,
>> stamp=1274341252.813649).
>> This suggests a problem with the tf-tree to me. However, when using the
>> "transformPoint(...)" function of tf::TransformListener in my own nodes
>> to transform the laser scan into the global frame everything works as
>> intended with no errors/warnings.
>> Does someone have an idea what I am doing wrong?
>> Thank you for any help!
>> Jan Elseberg
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