[ros-users] Standard GPS Message

Markus Achtelik markus.achtelik at mavt.ethz.ch
Tue May 25 15:10:05 UTC 2010


I'd be really happy about a standard GPS message as well since we're
using it a lot for our small helicopters. Currently, we use the
definitions of the gpsd package which works well for us so far. 

The idea I like the most is having gps message(s) in sensor_msgs so that
at least everyone understands gps messages and have another
package/stack for doing the computations.   

On Fri, 2010-05-21 at 20:00 -0400, Ken Tossell wrote:

> Some things that I think need to be cleared up in that: What should we do
> with read/reported values other than the basic horizontal/vertical/altitude
> readings? GPSd reports ground speed, climb speed and direction (which I
> believe are all calculated from a series of position readings), magnetic
> XYZ, acceleration XYZ (from an accelerometer), gyro XYZ and temperature [as
> well as whether each of those is available]. IMO a standard GPS message
> should include GPS-derived speed, climb and track, but I'm not sure whether
> the others should be included.

I think, unfortunately except for the magnetic compass, attitude,
acceleration and angular rates are already covered by the imu- message
in sensor_msgs. As imu readings usually arrive/are needed at a higher
rate than gps, one would send duplicates of the GPS measurements and it
would be harder to determine a "real" new GPS measurement. 

Best, Markus

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