[ros-users] Standard GPS Message

Mike Purvis mpurvis at clearpathrobotics.com
Fri May 28 01:08:48 UTC 2010

Okay, cool. Thanks.

I'm actually working in Python, though, and up until now, I've been avoiding
getting involved with the ROS build system-- up until now, it's been more
straightforward to just avoid all the rosbash magic and develop my toy nodes
as standalone scripts. Sorry to have such basic questions, but I wonder if
you could:

Firstly, when I'm setting out to build a new node, it seems it needs to have
a package. Does it need to have a stack too? Or can I just roscreate-pkg,
and then put my python scripts in the src directory?

Secondly, I tried to create my new package outside of $ROS_ROOT--- in a
directory that's a peer to ros and ros-tutorials. However, when I do this,
none of the rosbash tools can find it. Do I need to put my stuff inside of
$ROS_ROOT, or do I need to add to PATH and PYTHONPATH. If so, should I be
doing this by editing the ros setup.sh, or by creating my own?

Again, sorry to be so clueless. These are problems that can be solved in
various ways, but if there's an official ROS Way to do these things, I'd be
glad to observe it.



On 27 May 2010 20:53, Ken Tossell <ktossell at umd.edu> wrote:

> On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 8:25 PM, Mike Purvis <
> mpurvis at clearpathrobotics.com> wrote:
>> As a new user of ROS, I'm finding it a bit overwhelming trying to know how
>> to use the gps_common message that's been proposed above. I've cloned
>> umd-ros-pkg, and I've found the gps_common package in the gps_umd stack...
>> but there's also the two relevant messages separately appearing in the gpsd
>> stack, independent of the gps_common packaging.
> Those messages in the gpsd stack are an older version of the messages that
> appear in gps_umd/gps_common. I'm going to switch gpsd_client over to the
> new message format soon (gps_common/[...]), and after that's standardized,
> gpsd_client will implement the standard message.
>> Should I just be copying the two files from msg to my own project/msg
>> directory, or should I be trying to place the gps_common package in some
>> centrally-located area, and creating a dependency on it? (How?)
> It's best to create a dependency on the package. In your manifest.xml:
> <package> [...] <depend package="gps_common"/> [...] </package>
> I'm not sure what's the best approach for adding repositories right now,
> but if you add an entry '/path/to/umd-ros-pkg' to your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH
> variable, ROS will be able to find these packages (once you open a new
> terminal or otherwise reload ROS). If you installed from source, this
> variable is probably set in ~/ros/setup.sh.
> Once "roscd gps_common" works and you've built the gps_common package, you
> can use GPSFix and GPSStatus in your C++ code:
> #include <gps_common/GPSFix.h>
> #include <gps_common/GPSStatus.h>
> using namespace gps_common;
> and these messages will be available as GPSFix and GPSStatus.
>  - Ken
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