[ros-users] usb_cam node document

Ken Conley kwc at willowgarage.com
Sat Nov 6 02:14:04 UTC 2010

Hi Takashi,

Thank you for reporting this. I have disable ubc-ros-pkg's
documentation for now and will contain the maintainers to try and
resolve the naming issues. The bosch documentation should reappear in
the next 2 hours.


On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 6:37 PM, Takashi Ogura <t.ogura at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello, ros-users.
> I'm using usb_cam package of 'bosch-ros-pkg'.
> I want to read its documents on wiki.
> Although i read
> http://ros.org/wiki/usb_cam, this document describes usb_cam package
> of 'ubc-ros-pkg'.
> I know I can read bosch's document if I use rosdoc and try local access.
> How can I access bosch's usb_cam package on the web?
> Please help me!
> --
> *************************
> Takashi Ogura (OTL)
>  t.ogura at gmail.com
> *************************
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