[ros-users] IK with KDL
David Lu!!
davidvlu at gmail.com
Tue Nov 9 17:04:08 UTC 2010
If you want an easy way to test if KDL can solve it, the
arm_kinematics package has some easy structure for that.
On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 3:27 AM, Herman Bruyninckx
<Herman.Bruyninckx at mech.kuleuven.be> wrote:
> On Tue, 9 Nov 2010, Jeroen Willems wrote:
>> I have a question regarding the inverse kinematics using KDL.
>> I would like to use carttojnt of the inverse kinematics solver.
>> The problem is I have to use a destination frame as input.
>> I'm using something similar to a elbow manipulator so you can imagine I only want a reference position.
>> The arm only can have 2 poses to a reference position, to get the rotational part of the frame I actually have to get the joint positions to calculate it (correct me if I'm wrong).
>> So
>> 1. Am I right?
>> 2. Could I use KDL to compute the IK or should I use an analytic solution?
> The major issue with your problem is that "IK" does not make too much sense
> for a 2DOF system: when you don't take precautions the input frame will
> never lie in the span of your 2DOF, so you will have make a "projection"
> from the full 6D space onto your 2D subspace. KDL has algorithms to do
> that, but they make choices about how to project that might not correspond
> to your intuition. But that's inevitable.
> So, please try to formulate exactly what kind of input you would like or
> need to have.
> Herman
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