[ros-users] transformPointCloud

David Fischinger david.fischinger at gmail.com
Mon Apr 4 19:03:54 UTC 2011

Hallo everyone!

I have a problem transforming PointCloud2 data. Could somebody tell
me, if I make a fundamental error in using these functions?

void transformCallback(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr& pcl_in)
  ROS_INFO("Cloud received");
  sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 pcl_out;
  tf::TransformListener tf_listener;

  tf_listener.waitForTransform("/world", (*pcl_in).header.frame_id,
(*pcl_in).header.stamp, ros::Duration(5.0));  //return value always
  pcl_ros::transformPointCloud("/world", *pcl_in, pcl_out, tf_listener);

"rosrun tf tf_echo /target_frame /source_frame" gives me results, but
transformPointCloud() results in error messages like:

[ERROR] [1301916374.406336425]: You requested a transform that is
244270.678 seconds in the past,
but the tf buffer only has a history of 243913.670 seconds.
 When trying to transform between /openni_depth_optical_frame and /world.

Thanks for any help.


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