[ros-users] Creating map with nxtros
"Yilmaz Bünyamin"
yilmaz.buenyamin at rwth-aachen.de
Wed Apr 27 13:58:23 UTC 2011
i posted before some problems while i was trying to create a map.
-First, to use slam algorithm u need a topic with a laser_scan msg.
This was my first to do.
Because nxt_robot_sensor_car is not publishing a topic with laser_scan.
I tried to write a Node wich is subscribing the topic ultrasonic_sensor and then converting the data and publishing a topic named base_scan with the msg type laser_scan.
The node is also turning the robot 390 degree. You can change that if u want.
I attached this node if anyone wants to look in to that code.
But before u look into that code, i am warning you, it is not good implementated.
Even i dont know if its working corretly.
So i would make me happy, if i get some feedbacks :)
-Next i recorded base_scan and tf in a bag file.(base_scan is given by the node that i have programmed,the /tf topic is given by nxtros...)
-now if i play the bag file the slam_gmapping node is givin warnings like:
[ WARN] [1303911122.112710800]: TF_OLD_DATA ignoring data from the past for frame /accel_link at time 1.30391e+09 according to authority /play_1303911121895057400
Possible reasons are listed at
-So what is my problem now?
-what should i do next or fix next?
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