[ros-users] openni_camera not publishing any data
Tom Birch
froody at gmail.com
Tue Apr 5 05:00:38 UTC 2011
Hmm, there does seem to be something wrong with XnSensorServer. If I plug
the kinect usb in, and then run the node (roslaunch openni_camera
openni_node.launch) then I see XnSensorServer is running. Neither stream
(/camera/depth/image or /camera/rgb/image_color) have any data according to
image_view. When I ^C the openni launch, I see XnSensorServer is still
running, and if I kill it it doesn't die, but rather hangs around until I
unplug and then re-plug the kinect.
Why do you say that about the usb ports? I can verify that I can get both
streams in the freenect-glview app, I don't think it's an issue at the USB
On Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 3:37 PM, Suat Gedikli <gedikli at willowgarage.com>wrote:
> Hi,
> this seems to me as a problem with the original OpenNI/PS-driver (from
> Primesense). Somtimes the XnSensorServer dies. This is also reported as a
> known bug in the newly released drivers from Primesense. Can you check, if
> the process XnSensorServer is still running if you quit the openni-ros-node?
> If so, just kill that process and start the node again. If this does not
> work, just check if the node works with just one stream. e.g. just image or
> just depth?
> If it works with just one stream but not with both, then you have to try
> another usb-port (another usb bus actually).
> -Suat
> On Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 10:27 AM, Tom Birch <froody at gmail.com> wrote:
>> High five! I'll write up a ticket and then start trying to debug it.
>> You don't, by chance, see a bug in rviz where the z-buffer is ignored
>> do you? i.e. objects occlude in the order they are drawn, not in order
>> of distance from the camera. This could just be a driver issue, but I
>> need to find some other obvious example of z-buffers to test it.
>> Just out of interest, why do you run ROS inside linux instead of on
>> OSX? Would you run it on OSX if you could install it with just a .pkg?
>> cheers,
>> Tom
>> On Apr 4, 2011, at 9:21 AM, Mac Mason <mac at cs.duke.edu> wrote:
>> > On Apr 4, 2011, at 2:01 AM, Tom Birch wrote:
>> >> I've been trying to reproduce the RGBDSLAM demo, but I can't even get
>> over the first hurdle of getting openni_camera to work. I'm running Ubuntu
>> 10.10 in VMware on top of OSX, but I've verified that the kinect works in
>> this setup by running the freenect demos. Is it possible the freenect driver
>> is somehow conflicting with the openni driver?
>> >
>> >> terminate called after throwing an instance of
>> 'openni_wrapper::OpenNIException'
>> >> what(): virtual void openni_wrapper::OpenNIDevice::startImageStream()
>> @ /home/local/ros/openni_ros/openni_camera/src/openni_device.cpp @ 159 :
>> starting image stream failed. Reason: Xiron OS got an event timeout!
>> >> [openni_node1-1] process has died [pid 10732, exit code -6].
>> >> log files:
>> /home/local/.ros/log/d0cbd57a-5e73-11e0-a067-000c29bc217f/openni_node1-1*.log
>> >
>> > I get exactly the same behavior (also Ubuntu 10.10 as a VMWare guest,
>> with OS X as a host), and exactly the same failure mode. Does
>> reproducibility merit a ticket?
>> >
>> > --Mac
>> >
>> > --
>> > Julian "Mac" Mason mac at cs.duke.edu www.cs.duke.edu/~mac
>> >
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