[ros-users] transformPointCloud

Dejan Pangercic dejan.pangercic at gmail.com
Tue Apr 5 12:46:55 UTC 2011

Hi David,

then the only other possible issue is that your Kinect is running on 1
computer, your application on another and they are both not

greets to Vienna:)

On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 12:59 PM, David Fischinger
<david.fischinger at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hallo Dejan,
> thanks for the reply.
> But even if I use data directly from a Kinect, the problem still occurs:
> [ERROR] [1302000428.987287106]: You requested a transform that is
> 5.705 seconds in the past,
> but the tf buffer only has a history of 4.933 seconds.
> where the first second value (5.705) is a bit higher and the second
> (4.933) a bit lower than ros::Duration(5.0)) used in
> waitForTransform(). Changing the duration value does not solve the
> problem.
> Greetings to Munich!
> David
> 2011/4/4 Dejan Pangercic <dejan.pangercic at gmail.com>:
>> Hi David,
>> to me it seems that you are playing back the bag file right?
>> For that to work you need to a) set the "use_sim_time" parameter to
>> true and b) play the bag with the "--clock" argument:
>> "rosbag play mybag.bag --clock"
>> See  also:
>> http://www.ros.org/wiki/image_geometry/Tutorials/ProjectTfFrameToImage#Trying_it_out
>> cheers, D.
>> On Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 9:03 PM, David Fischinger
>> <david.fischinger at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hallo everyone!
>>> I have a problem transforming PointCloud2 data. Could somebody tell
>>> me, if I make a fundamental error in using these functions?
>>> void transformCallback(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr& pcl_in)
>>> {
>>>  ROS_INFO("Cloud received");
>>>  sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 pcl_out;
>>>  tf::TransformListener tf_listener;
>>>  tf_listener.waitForTransform("/world", (*pcl_in).header.frame_id,
>>> (*pcl_in).header.stamp, ros::Duration(5.0));  //return value always
>>> false!
>>>  pcl_ros::transformPointCloud("/world", *pcl_in, pcl_out, tf_listener);
>>>  pc2_publisher.publish(pcl_out);
>>> }
>>> "rosrun tf tf_echo /target_frame /source_frame" gives me results, but
>>> transformPointCloud() results in error messages like:
>>> [ERROR] [1301916374.406336425]: You requested a transform that is
>>> 244270.678 seconds in the past,
>>> but the tf buffer only has a history of 243913.670 seconds.
>>>  When trying to transform between /openni_depth_optical_frame and /world.
>>> Thanks for any help.
>>> Regards
>>> David
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>> MSc. Dejan Pangercic
>> PhD Student/Researcher
>> Intelligent Autonomous Systems Group
>> Technische Universität München
>> Telephone: +49 (89) 289-26908
>> E-Mail: dejan.pangercic at cs.tum.edu
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MSc. Dejan Pangercic
PhD Student/Researcher
Intelligent Autonomous Systems Group
Technische Universität München
Telephone: +49 (89) 289-26908
E-Mail: dejan.pangercic at cs.tum.edu
WWW: http://ias.cs.tum.edu/people/pangercic

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